:/ #18

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Walking down the stairs of your apartment, you feel like you might throw up. You don't want to go to school today, but if you don't, then your sister will start asking questions. And he boyfriend might hurt you and her. So you have to put on a brave face and try to forget what happened.

You walk out the front door of your building and see Bakugou standing there waiting for you.

"Finally, what took you so long?" He says as you walk over to him. You guys start walking to the train station like always. You didn't answer his question. If you are being honest, you didn't even hear him. "Oi, Y/N. Hello? Are you in there?" He asks waving his hand in front of your face.

"What?" You ask finally looking up at him.

"What's wrong with you? You seem off." He asks trying to sound annoyed but you could hear the worry he was trying to hide.

"I'm fine." You give him a slight smile.

'Liar,' He thought. He went silent for a moment, then spoke up again. "Hey, why didn't you answer me last night? I called you like 5 times."

"Oh, I uhh..." You through back to last night. Thinking about what your stepsister's boyfriend did to you. And thinking about crying yourself to sleep that night, and the fear that he would come into your room to finish. "I guess I just fell asleep." You answer not looking at him.

'Liar. Why the hell is she lying?' He thought angry and worried.

You guys walked to the train station in awkward silence. Bakugou wanted to know what was going on with you, but he knew not to push you or it will make things worse. When you got on the train, you were still silent. Bakugou tried talking to you, but nothing. When he noticed you weren't talking, he stopped trying.

'What the hell is going on with her?' He thought to himself.

All you could think about was the fear the filled you when he started touching you. At your stop, Bakugou had to tap you making you flinch a little. That threw him off quickly.

"Um, we're here," he said trying to look away. 'What the hell was that?' He wondered.

"Oh, right." You stood up and you both walked out of the train, out of the station, and to UA in silence. You were both lost in your own thoughts.

When you got to the UA gates there were more reporters. They were asking you questions about what happened yesterday at the USJ. You, not wanting to talk to anyone, were pushing past them. Bakugou on the other hand was ready to kill all of them. When you noticed this, you had to grab his hand and pull him through. When you got through the gates you let him go and threw your hands in your pockets. You walk into the school in silence, to the classroom in silence, you even sat down in silence. You really didn't want to talk to anyone. You sit down at your desk and put your head on your arms. You were sitting in there in silence when you heard a familiar and annoying voice.

"Hey, girly. Crazy what happened yesterday right?" You turn your head a little to see the pink-skinned girl that you hatted. Mina.

You roll your eyes and bring your head back into your arms. Mina was confused.

"Are you ok?" She asked. You ignored her as much as possible.

Bakugou's POV:

He watched as Mina tried talking to Y/N. But nothing was working. She didn't even give her a snarky comment. 'What happened last night?' he wonders.

After a few minutes of Mina trying to talk to Y/N, she turned to Bakugou.

"Is she ok?" She asked him. Bakugou didn't want to talk to her either. He rolls his eyes and looks out the window. Mina scoffs. "Fine, I'll try again later." She says rolling her eyes and walking away.

Bakugou looks at Y/N with his eyes, not moving his head from the window. 'What the hell happened to her?' He wondered. 'Did something happen to her on her way home? Did someone call her? And why is she not telling me? She always tells me when something is bothering her.' He waited a minute. Then wondered, 'Did I do something? Did she not want to go that far last night? Did I go too far for her? If so, why didn't she tell me? She always tells me, no and I always respect that. What was so different this time?' He sighs.

Bakugou turned his head and opened his mouth to talk but Mr. Aizawa walked through the door. When Bakugou noticed Y/N still didn't look up he tapped her shoulder. She looked up slightly.

Y/N's POV:

You look up from your arms slightly. When you see Mr. Aizawa your head swings up quickly. You fix the front of your hair because it got a little messed up and intertwined your fingers together on your desk. 

Words: 846

Hey guys. I'm sorry this chapter is so short. It was kind of a filler chapter. I hope you enjoyed it anyways and I'll see you in the next chapter. 

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