:/ #39

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Authors note: Hey guys. I know it's been a hot minute. I had a bunch of assignments I needed to finish because I was still in school. But it's summer now. Plus I have 2 other stories I'm writing. (This one will always be my favourite) So that is why. Also, holy fuck. Y'all are amazing. How did we get 6K reads? Thank you so much. I'm so glad you guys like this story. And thank you for sticking through my terrible writing at the beginning. I'm getting better. Thank you guys so much. You are so awesome. Also, I started a TikTok. It's _bunnyblunk_ I'm gonna post funny skits and things. Just some random MHA/my stories content. If you wanna see that go follow. Or don't, up to you. And uh, quick question, since we are on the topic of social media. Should I start an Instagram for this Wattpad account? Answer any questions, post updates, that kinda thing. Let me know. Alright, I'll stop now. Enjoy. (Side note, I didn't have time to proofread it, since I'm going to my trailer, so keep any mistakes to yourself please)

The streets were not as crowded as the day before. Definitely a lot fewer people. Meaning your patrol with Mirko went fairly smooth. You even got to stop and get some boba.

However, the atmosphere with Mirko is not how it was the first time you guys went on a patrol.
Probably because her other interns are on a different route for the patrol.
But there is something else. Some seems like it was bothering Mirko, but you can't tell what it was.

"What?" You ask, not looking at her, rather looking around checking for whatever you're supposed to be looking for.

"Hm?" She hums in response looking down at you.

Still looking around, you reply "You're upset. Or worried, or...... I don't know what. But not how you were yesterday," You finally turn your head and look at her. "What's up?"

"I thought I was hiding it really well," He mumbles to herself.

"You can't hide shit from me," You say, looking back out at the street, looking for things. "It's my hidden quirk. I know when someone is acting off. What's going on?"

She stays quiet for a moment. Then says worriedly, "What were you thinking?" You look up at her confused. "Last night,"

You knew exactly what she was talking about. During the bridge attack, when you went down and saved the kid. You were fairly proud of yourself.
Now you are just confused. 'Why was she angry?' you think.

"What-" She cuts you off.

"Why didn't you come get me?" She asked, started to get more mad than worried. "You could have been hurt,"

You look up at her offended and confused. "Y-you think-, I didn't hurt myself?" She looks down at you scared. "Hunny, I was carrying a car with one hand, and a piece of tape with the other. Do you realize how bad my muscles ached when I got back to my hotel room? Surprise to no one, my muscles don't exactly like getting stronger without growing. But I mean other than that, I was fine. No one got hurt, and the kid is fine,"

Mirko looked at you stunned, "Yea, then the tape snapped, and you fall into the water and die. And he kid as well,"

"I'd be fine with that," You say taking a sip of your boba, and looking around again.

Mirko's eyes widen. "You would? Why?"

"I either going down a hero or old age. If I got down any other way, I don't want it," She let that sink in.

You finally made it to her agency. Walking in, you hold the door open for her, and walk in after her, only to hear a familiar voice. You look up from your drink and see your stepsister talking to Hawks. You immediately freeze in place.
They were talking and laughing. It was faint, but you could see a soft dusting of blush on Hawk's face.

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