:/ #64

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The goop disappeared around your body, and you could finally breathe. Inhaling a large breath,  you opened your eyes and saw that you were now in a different place. You were outside.
Well, you were in a building, however, it was completely demolished. It looked like a giant had stepped on the building, crushing it. 

You looked around and saw someone standing in front of you. They were tall and wore a suit, with a large black mast covering their face. You'd seen him before. He was a large villain, head of the League of Villains. He went by All For One. 
All Might had fought him before. 

While staring at the strange man in front of you, you felt a hand touch your shoulder. Your immediate reaction was to punch them in the face. When you did, a hand caught yours as they exclaimed, "OI WHAT THE FUCK!" 

You let out a sigh of relief when you realized it was only Bakugou. "Jesus Christ. You don't sneak up on me." 

"Sneek up on you? I called your name 3 times." He explained, annoyance plastered to his face. 

You thought for a moment, then replied, "I told you you would make me go deaf. And ya see. I'm never wrong." You stated proudly. 

"Welcome, Bakugou Katsuki, and L/N Y/N." The man with the mask stated, catching both of your attention. "Apologies for the inconvenience. Heros can be quite annoying when we try to do something." 

"Can I ask a question?" You ask, wanting to raise your hand, but you decide against it. 

"Yes, my dear." You could hear the smile behind the mask, through his voice. 

"Why are you wearing a mask?" All For One was about to answer when you cut him off. "Is it because you think you're ugly?" 

"Oh my god." Bakugou sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose. 

All for One growled when a woman's voice caught everyone's attention. "Don't feel bad. She is just as heartless as me." 

You knew that voice. The voice of your own grim Reaper. The one who crushes all dreams, and stole you from your home.
You turn to look at where the voice came from, and there she was. 


Words: 373

(I'm just kidding. That would be mean) 

"Hi, baby." Your mother said with a half-smile, half-smirk. "I did say we would be closer by the end of the weekend." 

You shake your head with a smirk. "So this is why you wanted me back. For information on UA." 

"Oh of course not baby." She was acting very innocent as if she had done nothing wrong. "We already have someone for that. I just wanted my daughter to get into the family business. I wanted you to join my villains." 

"Or you just didn't want to fight me." You cross your arms and shake your head. 

Your mother looked at you a little confused. Almost as if she had just been found out, but was doing a pretty good job at hiding it. "What do you mean baby?" 

"Ok first of all if you call me 'baby' one more time, Imma beat the shit out of you." You started, holding up your pointer finger while resting your elbow on your arm. "Second, you see me as a threat. When I was a kid, I wasn't that important. Actually, you thought I was quirkless because I got my quirk after you left. Which is probably why you took B/N and not me. Because he got his quirk just like everyone else in his class. Which was fairly powerful. I mean, your weapons but demonic. Imagine the trouble he could cause to the hero society." 

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