:/ #72

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A/N: I didn't proof read so just keep that in mind. I was way too tired. Enjoy. 

The class was loud next door. You were still trying to read your book, but your classmates thought it was a good idea to tour around Jiro's room while talking as loud as they could. 

Eventually, they finally left Jiro's room and went downstairs. You smiled when you heard their footsteps walking past your room, towards the elevator. 

You read another chapter, but you were bored. You have absolutely no idea what you read because you were not paying attention but you knew that you had to get this book read soon. 

Luckily or not, you weren't sure, your phone buzzed. You quickly picked it up as it was a  good distraction to make sure you didn't fall asleep.
You looked at your notifications and saw that Bakugou had texted you. 

im bored 

me too

what do you want to do?? 



You put a bookmark in your book, then threw your book to the end of your bed as you jumped off. Your jump caused the book to fall off your bed onto the blanket you had on the floor, at the end of your bed. 

You opened your discord and joined a voice chat with Bakugou, before opening your game and logging in. 

You had been working on an automatic food farm for a few days now. There was a lot of red stone involved, and it had taken you about three hours total to get it to work. Now, you were trying to make it look pretty since it was a bit of an eyesore. 
However, it was challenging to do that when Bakugou continuously killed you for no reason.

"Dude stop." You exclaimed for the fifth time as you ran back to where you died and gathered your stuff back. 

"No, I don't think I will." He said as he hit you again with his overpowered nephrite sword. Without armour, it got you down to one and a half hearts. 

"DUDE, I'M GONNA DIE STOP!" Your pleads were not enough to get the man-baby to stop killing you. One more swing of his sword and you were dead, again. "Mother fucker!" 

You were furious. You wanted to get him back, which is exactly what you were going to do. 
What he didn't know was that you had been going on the server, when you lived at your mom's, you decided to build a trap that could kill anyone that walked on it. 
You decided it would be a good idea to lead him to the trap. 

You ran as fast as you could to grab your stuff. unfortunately, Bakugou hit you again, however, thanks to the knockback, you managed to get a bit of a lead. You ran as fast as you could away from him towards the trap you made. He kept telling you to "Come back here," and to "Seal your fate," but you kept on running. 

Eventually, you jumped over the tripwire and ran off the small platform when you finally made it. Thankfully, Bakugou didn't see the tripwire and fell into a one-block deep hole. The pistons that opened the hole closed on him. 

"WHAT THE FUCK!" He yelled. As he desperately tried to get out, but it was no use. The boy was suffocated to death. 
And you got to stand there and laugh as he burned to death in the lava. 

Once you saw in the chat that he had died, you were satisfied. You assumed that the situation was over so you decided to go back to building. 

You were building for a little while when he came back over to you. 

Please Stop *Y/N × Bakugou (Fem Y/N)*Where stories live. Discover now