🌹Chapter 45🌹

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I placed my hand on my chest to ease the pain I was feeling but to no avail. I forced myself to check the house once again but who was I kidding? Ian wasn't here, he had gone. He always did. There was no consistency when it came to him. Once again he had slept with me and gone. And the worst part was there was no way for me to call for help. 

Plus this is a Monday morning, Dahlia needs to be in school. My goodness, she must be so worried. I really hope Tina took her already. My heart was aching. It was killing me to think I let my guards down and was once again deceived. How stupid could I be? Why did I let myself fall in love with him once again? What made me think he wouldn't leave me again? If he left me once, he would surely leave me again. And he did. With tears in my eyes and pain in my heart,  I started destroying every piece of furniture in the house. I just had to do it to get rid of the anger in me.

The more chinaware I destroyed, the more I became angry. I thought venting my anger towards these objects would help but no, it made me furious because Ian was supposed to be the one on the receiving end, not these things. When I ran out of energy to destroy further, I sat on the floor and cried. Cried because I was a stupid incurable romantic. Never learning my lessons from love.

I think I was so sad and my sobs were so loud because I didn't hear the door opening or footsteps coming my way, but I heard his voice.

"...Tori? What happened in here? Are you okay? Did someone come in here and hurt you? Why are you crying?" I heard him say, feeling his presence near me and his hand on my shoulder.

I shoved it and pushed him away. "Get away from me, asshole. I was stupid to have fallen for your sorry ass once more. You're a monster, Ian. A very big one at that. Just take me back home and forget about Dahlia and I for good." I said as I glared at him and stood up, walking away from him. "You'll always be a mistake in my life."

He looked so confused. Lost. "What did I do?" He asked and I glared at him. The nerve of him to ask me that. I could see the wheels in his head spinning and his mouth formed an 'O'. "Damn it, I'm so stupid. I forgot to leave a note cause I was in a haste. You know it's Monday morning and Dahlia had to be in school on time, plus it's an hours drive from here to your place. I had to wake up extra early to go get her ready and take her to school. Luckily for me, Tina had done most of  the work and all I had to do was drive her to school. I'm so sorry for not informing you, I just didn't want to wake you up and I thought I'd be back before you realized I left. I'm so sorry Tori. I'll never leave you, I love you so much."

I stood there not knowing what to do or how to feel after hearing his very reasonable explanation. I felt so ashamed of myself. "I..I thought...I thought you left..."

"Are you hearing yourself? Why on earth would I leave you? My world revolves around you. Why would you ever think that way? I already told you I didn't intentionally leave you all those years ago, but clearly you do not believe me. Don't you see that I love you? Don't you trust me? What happened to what you told me last night? I no longer know what to do to prove myself to you. You know what, get ready and I'll take you back to your house, and if you want me to forget about you, I'll train my heart to do just that, but I would never forget about my daughter." He said sadly and turned to leave but walked back, opened my hands and placed morning after pills. "This is part of the reason I left in the morning." He said and walked away.

I stood there like a fool. What did I just do? I couldn't move. All this while I thought he left me again, turns out he went to do the very essential things that needed to be done.  My selfishness and insecurity was clouding my judgment. Was i about to loose Ian when I just recently got him back? No, no I couldn't do that. I rushed to the room to see him typing on his phone. "Ian I'm..."

He raised his hand to shut me up. "Don't say anything. Get ready, I'll take you back home. I need to be in my office anyway. Stupid of me to have canceled all my meetings for someone who always judges me." He said and stood up. "I'll give you space to get ready. Be fast. I'll be in my car."


"Please stop crying sis, Ian has a soft heart, he'll come around. He can't stay mad at you for long." Valentina consoled me as I laid in bed crying. Ian had dropped me off an hour ago and I was thankful Dahlia wasn't around to witness the resentment in Ian's eyes towards me. For the first time in forever, Ian was mad at me and it was my fault. "I don't even understand what happened. What did you do?"

With the way I was crying, there was no way I could bring myself to explain to her what happened. "It's complicated. I said some hurtful things to him when he didn't deserve it."

She looked at me sadly. "I wish you knew how much Ian loves you, he loves you so much. You needed to see the speed in which he came here this morning to ensure Dahlia goes to school early. He kept saying if Dahlia was late, you would be so mad at him and he didn't want that. He holds your judgment in high esteem and what you said must have really broken him. Try to make things right with him cause I don't think you would ever meet another guy who cherishes both you and Dahlia the way he does." She told me sincerely and deep down in my heart, I knew she was right.

"The thing is, I don't know how to make things right. What should I do?" I asked her while wiping my eyes.

She sighed. "You should do what Ian did. You should fight for him the way he fought for you and your daughter. Don't make a mistake of letting him slip away from you. You might live to regret it." She said and placed her hands on mine in assurance before walking away.

She was right. I had to fight for Ian this time around. I had to fight for my daughter's father. He had to be a part of our lives because if he left, there would be a void no one will ever be able to fill.

The problem is, how do I fight for someone I pushed away?

Wait, there's someone who can help me. His grandmother. Now how do I get to her?

Just then, I heard the doorbell and Tina walked into the room. "Zach's here for you."

Just who I needed to help me get to Ian's grandmother.

FOR THE LOVE OF DAHLIA Where stories live. Discover now