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Okay, I just started chapter 2. I hope  that you love it and don't forget thats it's your vote that inspires me.


I woke up at the sound of my alarm. That is my worst sound. I grudgingly walk towards my bathroom and freshen up. I really hate waking up this early but what I hate most is waking up my daughter, disturbing her from her sweet sleep. It's even worse considering she's a deep sleeper.

I tap her shoulder lightly while placing a kiss on her cheek. "Waky waky sleepy head."

She doesn't shake for even a second. Great. Now I have to carry her to the bathroom and give her a shower when she's asleep. I really don't know how I do it. Four years ago, i could have swore I was never going to be a mom till I was 25 but here I am, giving motherhood my best shot.

Once I carried my little bundle of joy up, she smiled and whispered a small 'good morning mommy'.

I put her down and took off her dress, placing her in the tub filled with warm water. I had to work extra hard to keep this apartment. It wasn't the best but it was comfortable and it was my home. After bathing Dahlia, I dressed her in a bright yellow sungown and black sandals, rubbing some gel on her hair to make it more bouncy. She had the most curly hair I've ever seen on a child and there was no questioning where she got it from since I had straight hair. I pushed that thought aside. For all I know, he might be screwing another woman right now. The thought made me want to vomit.

Dahlia was finally up when I was done giving her a bath. "Mommy how did you sleep?"

I smiled at her question. "I slept well sweetheart. How about you?"

She kissed my cheek. "I slept well. I can't wait to see Finn."

Finn was one of my co-workers. Funny and nice. Dahlia really loved him and he loved her too. Deep down, I know Dahlia looks up to him as her idol.

"I know sweetie. I bet Finn can't wait to see you too. Come on, let's hurry off to work." I said when I was done making up the bed and cleaning the bathroom. I knew we were going to have breakfast at RICO'S so that was one less problem for me. We arrived at the bus station just in time as the bus pulled up. Reaching the restaurant, Dahlia ran in in search of her best buddy. I could hear her yelling Finn's name and I smiled. At least she had a father figure. Finn was somewhere around the age of 28 and he had a niece who was Dahlia'a age mate . We always organized play dates for them whenever I was free.

"G'morning Finn." I said as he kissed my cheek.

"My sweet sweet Tori. How are you?" He asked and I couldn't miss out the British accent. He'd been living here in New York for about three years, yet his accent never for once faltered.

I went about my duties for the day. Waiting tables and cleaning. Dahlia was a blessing since she never disturbed. On the contrary, she would even help out in the kitchen since Finn was the main chef. It was comforting knowing she was okay. When I was done for the day, Finn and I decided to take Dahlia to the park downtown. One maybe wondering where I get money for all this but for my daughter, I waswilling to sacrifice everything.

Once we reached the park, Dahlia ran off playing non stop on the swings. I soon noticed Susan, Finn's  sister working down to us with an excited Bella running towards Dahlia. These two were the best of friends. I was happy that my baby was happy.

"Hi Susan, I said as I hugged her.

She beamed at me. Susan was two  years older than me and her daughter Bella was quite a cutie. "Tori, how've you been?"

"I've been okay. What 'bout you and Edward?" I asked, and from the corner of my eye, I noticed some children had made their way towards Dahlia and Bella.

She greeted Finn with a hug and turned back to me. "I've been good. Edwards okay too. He left for Canada this morning."

To be honest, I envied Susan. She had a perfect family and was totally happy. I on the other hand had only Dahlia. I didn't mind though. My daughter was everything I ever dreamed of.

"That's good. I can see Bella and Dahlia are kicking it off so well." I said with a smile and turned to Finn. "Thanks."

He smiled down at me. "Anything for you Tori."

I always had a feeling that Finn has a crush on me but still, it wouldn't count since I have no space for a man in my life right now. We shared small talk till I noticed Dahlia running towards me with tears streaming down her face.

I opened my arms to embrace her. "What happened sweetie? Why are you crying? "

Bella was first to speak, trying to defend her best friend. "Aunt Tori, we were all playing with the other kids when they started making fun of Dahlia that she doesn't have a daddy. They're so cruel."

Anger rose up in my heart and I felt like walking up to those kids and kicking their asses. But that won't look good for a mother, so I carried my baby and left. "See you later Finn. And Susan, thank you for bringing Bella. Bye Bella."

Once we got home, Dahlia was still sobbing. "Come on sweetie, don't cry, I'm always here for you, remember? "

She nodded sadly. " I know mommy, but I just want to have a daddy like all other kids."

Okay, okay. I just finished chapter 2. I hope you liked it. I'll be super grateful if you help me talk about my story with your friends.

And Dahlia, I just love her innocence.
  Again, please don't forget to vote and leave a comment. Thanks

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