🌹Chapter 27🌹

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Pic above is the girl i imagine our Tori to be👆. She's so pretty😍


Ian was beyond furious, he drove past the speed limit to Tori's house. Tina kept telling him to slow down but he ignored her. He was angry because Tori didn't tell him he had a child, and even when he had asked, she refused. What was she thinking? That he'll take the child from her? It was possible but he wouldn't do something like that to her. A lot was going through his mind and all he wanted at the moment was to talk to Tori and his child.

Meanwhile, Tori was trying hard to give Dahlia her medication but the little girl kept crying. "Please baby, you need to take your medicine."

Dahlia shook her head. "No. Its awfaw."

"First, it's not awfaw... it's awful. And secondly, you need to take them so that you get well, honey. Please." Tori begged her. Dahlia was physically sick, but Tori was mentally and emotionally sick. She was still wondering how she'll talk to Ian which only made her feel worse. "Please. You really need to take your meds." She begged the little girl. As it was, she didn't even know how she'll tell Ian he has a child and how the child needs his blood to survive. So Dahlia really needed to take her meds. Zach had opted to talk to Ian but she refused. She had to do it herself. And she planned on meeting him tomorrow.

Just then, her doorbell rang and she looked at Dahlia who was sitting on her bed. "Wait here, baby.  And prepare,  cause when i get back, you're taking those drugs, okay?"

Dahlia pouted and shook her head in denial. Tori just rolled her eyes and went to get the door. She thought it was one of the neighbors or Rita, but who she saw made her wish the ground would open up and swallow her. Think about the devil and he appears? She was shocked that Ian was at her door, did Zach tell him already? Before she could process it all, Valentina showed up. Her eyes widened in more shock. "What the hell?"

Ian walked past her into the house and a worried looking Tina followed behind him, and she closed her door. "What are you guys doing here?"

Tina pulled her into a hug. "I really missed you Tori. I missed you so muchhhhh."

An angry Tori pulled away. "Don't touch me. How did you even find me?"

Ian cleared his throat. "Victoria we need to talk."

Tori turned to back to Ian. "And i ask again, what the hell are you two doing here?"

Ian ran his fingers through his hair. "So we had a child and you kept it away from me? Why?"

Tori's heartbeat increased.  Her head was spinning. Ian knew? And what's her sister doing here? "You two are giving me a headache. You, Tina, how did you find me?" Then she turned to Ian. "And you, how dare you come here and ask me questions? "

"Tori why didn't you tell me we had a child, for fucks sake!" Ian yelled angrily

"Keep your damned voice down, my child is at home." Tori spoke back. She didn't want Dahlia to know about the drama in the house, and adder to it, her daughter was sick.

Ian shook his head. "Not your child. Our child."

Valentina spoke up. "You have no right to call my niece yours, you fucker. You left my sister."

Tori turned to her. "Ohh you shut your mouth. Don't you dare condemn him as if you're better. You left me too, or have you forgotten? You call me your sister, yet you didn't even try to fight for me when mom and dad kicked me out. So you shut your own mouth and leave my fucking house this instant."

Tina scoffed in disbelief, not believing Tori was defending Ian and was about to talk when they heard a crying child at the door.

"Mommy, why are you fighting?" Dahlia asked with tears rolling down her pink cheeks.

Tori's head was a mess. Why was all this happening? This isn't how she planned to talk to Ian about their child. And she didn't even include her sister in the non existent plan. Now she has to deal with the two at the same time. "Baby just go back to your room. Please." She said, running her fingers through her hair.

Ian just stood there, speechless, looking at his child. His baby girl.

Dahlia kept crying,  walking towards her mother. "But mommy..."

"Dahlia i said you should go to your room." Tori unintentionally yelled at her.

Tina smiled at a very sick and worried looking  Dahlia. "Is she my niece? Why does she look sick?"

Tori did not even know who to talk to anymore. "Don't call my child your niece,  and for Pete's sake,  just leave already." She said as she walked over to Dahlia and picked her up, soothing her. "Please don't cry baby."

Ian was about to walk over to her but she raised her hand. "Don't you even come near us. You two should just leave my house.  Leave right now. For the sake of my daughter,  just go."

Ian shook his head. "No Tori, I'm not going anywhere until we talk."

Tori thought about it. She could as well just admit the truth and tell him about her daughter's illness. She turned to her sister. The same sister who didn't try to fight for her years ago. "I'm going to go in there with my child, and by the time i come back here , you should be gone, or you won't like what I'll do to you." She threatened and walked away with a crying Dahlia.

As she got into the room, she made sure to lock the door and pampered Dahlia. The baby's temperature was really rising. "Shh...please don't cry baby. Please don't. You're not going to get better if  you keep crying. I'm sorry that you had to see that. I'm really really sorry. Please forgive me."

Dahlia wrapped her tiny hands around her mother and sobbed silently. "I really don't like those people, mommy. They made you angry and they made you scold me. They should leave our house."

Tori's heart melted. "I'm really sorry baby. Please forgive me. Don't cry, okay." Dahlia nodded. "Now, you'll take your meds and sleep and before you wake up, I'll have made you something really nutritious, okay? And you can have some cookies and milkshake if you take your meds, okay?"

Dahlia nodded and her mother gave her her drugs and rocked her to sleep. As Dahlia slowly fell asleep,  Tori wiped the tears on her child's face, while tears slowly rolled down her own cheeks. Why was all this happening? How did Valentina even find her? And the worst part was, Ian already knew about Dahlia. "I'm so sorry you had to witness all that, my baby." She spoke to Dahlia's sleeping body as tears ran down her cheeks. "I'm supposed to keep you away from monsters like them. But unfortunately, they're still your family. And i feel bad that you do not like them." She spoke as she placed Dahlia on the bed and covered her. She took a wet towel and placed on her forehead,  to ease the fever.  Her heart broke, seeing her daughter sick. Now all she had to do was go out there and tell Ian that he had to donate blood for his child. A child she hid from him for four years.

She adjusted Dahlia's comforter, placed a teddy bear in her arms, took in a deep breathe, walked to the door and opened it, coming face to face with Ian who stood there as if he had been eavesdropping.


I'm sorry that this chapter is short,  i just wanted to fill you guys in. I'll prolly drop another chapter tonight.

Vote if you want some more drama.

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