🌹Chapter 24🌹

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A week had passed since i met Andrea and Ian. I honestly don't know why Ian was in that school. Something was not adding up. Is he now stalking my daughter? I hope not. As for Andrea, I wasn't ready to talk to her. She never did anything wrong. She was in Canada when Ian left me and had no idea about my pregnancy. I just couldn't face her and tell her i did not finish school or achieve any of my plans because i got knocked up. So for the past week, i begged Rita and  Susan to drop and pick up Dahlia from school.

I had to work extra hard at the cafe so i could get tips. I gave the tips to Rita. She was such a good kid. I hope she doesn't mess up her life like i did with mine. Zach was also so helpful. No matter how hard i declined his offer to help me out, he did not back down. Dahlia was beginning to get too attached to him and it bothered me. For crying out loud, he's cousin's with her father. A father she knows nothing about. I wondered if i made the right decision when i told Zach about Ian.

Zach called me last night with some really good news. He said he found a place where i could work as a cook. It was some fancy restaurant and i was beyond grateful. Now things would start going well for me. I won't have to work for 16 hours a day just to get $100. I'll work 14 hours to get $300. Bless Zach.

"Mommy, you look so happy today." Dahlia told me kissing my cheeks. "And so pretty."

I smiled at her and carried her, kissing her face all over. "That's because i am happy, baby. Mommy got a new job!"

Her eyes widened. "Really mommy?"

I nodded.

"But what about Finn and Rico?" She asked looking at her fingers. "I won't get to see them anymore."

I removed a strand of her curly hair from her face. "Who said that? I'll still take you to meet them. Mommy really needs this new job so she can get you everything you need. Don't you want that?"

She smiled at me. "I do mommy. Teacher Andrea said we do not have school tomorrow."

I tensed at Andrea's name but quickly nodded. "Yes. Cause its the weekend. You get to stay with me. I get to have you all to myself."

She beamed. "Yayyy, i love that, mommy."

I kissed her curly silky hair. "I love it and i love you even more, baby."

"Can we bake cookies tomorrow and invite Bella and Zach and Finn and aunt Susan and Rita?" She asked while pointing her little fingers as if counting. And just so you know, she was doing it wrongly but it was so fucking cute.

I giggled. "That's gonna be a very big cake and so many guest, don't you think?"

She pouted. "But they are our friends, right?"

I raised my hand in surrender. "Fine, fine. I give up.  We're gonna bake that cake and invite them. But on Sunday.  Not tomorrow,  okay?"

Dahlia was so happy. And if Dahlia is happy,  then i am. I ordered pizza for the night and we ate together. Just me and my baby in our sitting room, laughing and talking about everything. We were happy,  we didn't need Ian.


That night, Dahlia slept in my room. After about three hours,  i could tell she was restless in her sleep. She kept clutching her tummy and rolling on the bed. When i touched her forehead,  she was burning. Oh my God. My baby.

Her temperature was so high. I took a couple of wet towels and tried to cool down her temperature. She didn't wake up because she's really a deep sleeper but still, i could tell she was in pain. She probably had an upset stomach. I looked at the time and it showed 3:48 A.M.  My goodness,  Dahlia seldom got sick. So if she was burning up like this, then you can imagine how worried i am. I said a quick prayer hoping she would get better. We were okay last night. She was okay. Then what is happening? Maybe its the pizza. Oh goodness,  why did i give her?

I watched worriedly as she slept. I couldn't even blink. By 6 AM, her fever had gotten worse. I woke her up and she threw up all over me. Years ago, I'll have cringed so hard and puked too,  but now, that was the least of my worries. Her skin was so hot and she kept crying, saying her tummy hurt so bad. I bathe her and showered too. I had to take her to the hospital immediately. She even refused to eat her cereal. She was being naughty but it was the sickness.  Dahlia was always so happy and if she was acting like this, then it must really be serious. I took all the money i had and stuffed it in my purse. I took a cab. No way am i taking the bus with Dahlia's condition.  Throughout the ride, she kept crying and clutching her stomach. And if i was being completely honest,  a tear rolled down my cheek in empathy. Nothing hurt me more  than seeing my daughter in pain. Why on earth did i give her that stupid pizza. Its definitely the pizza. That was the last thing she ate before going to bed.

The moment we pulled up in front of the hospital,  i carried Dahlia and ran inside. The nurse looked at my frantic state and told me to calm down. But how can i calm down with Dahlia crying so much.

"Shh, baby, don't cry. You're at the hospital now. You'll be fine."  She told Dahlia.

Dahlia did not stop crying. "But my tummy hurts so bad. Its hurts mommy."

I kissed her forehead. "Its gonna stop real soon, baby. Please don't cry. Be strong for mommy." I told her and looked up at the worried nurse. "We ate pepperoni pizza last night and by 3, her stomach started acting up.  She's having a fever. She threw up this morning and wouldn't stop crying.  Please help me. She's all I've got."

"Don't you worry, ma'am. We'll take care of baby....?" She trailed off,  asking for my daughter's name.

"Dahlia. Dahlia Donovan." I told her.

She nodded. "Baby Dahlia. You'll have to wait here while i take her to the E.R"

I watched in pain as the nurse, whose name was Naomi Spencer, take my child to the emergency room. I sat down and facepalmed, tears rolling down my cheeks. Why dint i get sick instead? Dahlia shouldn't be the one getting sick. Ohhh goodness.

My phone rang and when i saw it was Zach, i wiped my eyes and picked it up. "Hey Zach."

"Sweetheart. Why do you sound so moody. I've been standing outside your house for about five minutes. Where you at?" He asked worriedly. I told him i was at the hospital and he said he was coming right away.

I kept running my fingers through my hair. What if its more than just a stomach ache?  What if its something serious?


I looked up to see Zach. When did he get here? But that didn't matter. I needed a hug right now. So i stood up and hugged him while crying. "She's all I've got, Zach. She's my only family. What if something bad happens to her?"

I could feel Zach's fingers  smoothening my hair. "Please don't cry, sweetheart. Your baby is going to be just fine."

I wiped my tears with the back of my hand. "I know she'll be fine. But i just can't help but feel sorry for her. She cried so much, Zach. If only you could see her."

"Shh...don't think about it. I'm here for y'all now." He said in a low tone.

It felt good knowing someone was there for me. But i honestly wish Ian was the one being there for his child. Not his cousin.

Then tell him the truth.


We both turned towards the voice and my heart fell to the bottom of my stomach. What is happening in my life? Why do i keep meeting these people?

Right befor us was Ian's mother.

"What are you doing here,  Zach?"


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