🌹Chapter 26🌹

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That's a picture of the guy i imagine Ian to be👆. He's super gorgeous and has curly hair🤤.
And  sorry I'm only updating now, i tried uploading a chapter with pictures earlier but it wouldn't work, so i had to delete everything and start all over. I'll just introduce the characters one after the other as we go further.


Its been a week since i spoke to Fabian. The news he had for me made me have sleepless nights due to overthinking.  He told me how Tori's family abandoned her when she got pregnant and how she had to stop schooling. She was on her own, with no family or friends or money and suffered a lot. He also said she was with no man since then. I was beyond confused. So that's the reason why she's broke and has to work. Even Fabian is convinced that I'm the father of her child because to him, we look alike and Tori has been with no other guy. Fabian is really good at his job.

Alyssa noticed my lack of enthusiasm these past days and when she asked, i said it was the stress from work. Mom was also on my head about marriage.  What the hell is wrong with her? For crying out loud, its my fucking life, not hers.

Zach on the other hand wasn't helping out at all. I don't fucking know how he became head over heels in love with Tori in such a short time. But i can't blame him. Tori is so pretty and tall with the best personality ever. The girl is a blessing,  and now, with het daughter, she was even better.

Talking about her daughter, i honestly need to ask for a paternity test. I know i have no rights to do so, but i need to find out the truth. And if Dahlia really is mine,  why is Tori hiding it? I didn't do anything. She's the one who hurt me. She never answered my calls or messages, never showed up at the airport when i was leaving, and blocked me from getting in touch with her. Then i come home to find out she has a child, and if the child isn't mine, that means she cheated on me. Because Dahlia is four years, three months old. And I've been gone for four years, 11 months.

I couldn't sit and keep thinking,  i needed answers now. With that thought in mind, i grabbed my car keys  and yelled. "Ally, I'm stepping out for a bit, I'll be back before dinner."

I waited for a bit then saw her walk down the stairs in her bathrobe. "Where are you off to?"

I scratched my forehead. "Need to meet up Michael." Michael was my closest friend back in college. He's married now. Good thing Ally knows him.

"Ohh, okay. Just come home early. And say hi to him for me." She said with a smile and kissed me. I kissed her back.

"Yes baby." I said, nuzzling my face in the crook of her neck. Can't risk her knowing I'm going to meet up with my ex.

She giggled. "You should stop that now before i get wet and you end up not going. By the way, please get me some postinor 2 before you meet up with Mike. I said before. Cause i know you may come back home and say you forgot."

I chuckled. "Fine, ma'am, I'll get it before I meet up with him. Lemme get going now."

She kissed me one more time. "Bye baby. I love you"

"See you later. Love you too."

And with that, i was out of the house. I know what I'm doing is so wrong. Lying to Ally...but I've got to do it for my own peace of mind. I need answers. I drove to the pharmacy first to get her contraceptive pills. To be honest,  I'm glad she takes them seriously. I also don't want her getting pregnant cause as it is, i might be having a four year old daughter across the city. As i placed my order and waited for it, a lady tapped my shoulder.  I turned to look at her and my breath hitched. Standing before me was one of Tori's elder sister,  Valentina. Tina for short. And she was glaring at me. Like really glaring. "Uhh...Tina?"

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