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So here's chapter three guys. Please do share my book to your friends so it can become more popular. And don't forget to vote and comment.

I couldn't sleep at night. Dahlia's words kept ringing in my mind and I couldn't keep my tears from rolling down. Oh Ian, what did you do to me? "I just want to have a daddy like other kids."

I knew that deep down, she felt the emptiness of not having a father. I was doing my best and God knows that. If only he was here. I refused to dwell in that fact. If he left, then it means he did not want anything to do with the baby.

I wiped a tear that slipped out as I looked at Dahlia's sleeping form. Was my love not enough for her? The heavens know I'm doing my best for her. Maybe she needs more than I'm offering. With that thought in mind, I took out my old laptop and clicked on the job application I saw earlier. I. W. R Corporation. The upfront picture of the building was so large. I wonder if they would take me in as a worker in their café since their pay is so high. $1500 per month. It was going to be a huge help on my financial situation. I quickly applied for it and sent a quick prayer for them to accept me. I needed this job for Dahlia. I'm not a weak mother. I'm not a failure. This was for Dahlia. All for Dahlia.

When I was done, I set out the clothes I'll wear tomorrow for my interview. I just have to pass by and drop Dahlia at RICO'S with Finn. I didn't have so many clothes since most of my savings went to dresses for my daughter. Oh Ian, I hate you so much.


I was glad Rico gave me permission to have the day off. Once I got out of the restaurant, I hailed a cab and gave the driver the address to the company. Once we pulled over, my mouth dropped. The picture I saw did no justice to this building. This was a goddamned skyscraper. It was so huge and made out of glass. Wonder if they would accept a poor girl like me here. I gathered some courage and walked in to the air conditioned building. It was filled with richly dressed people and I self-consciously looked down at my black knee length gown and flat sandals.

You can do this Tori Donovan.

I walked over to the receptionist and smiled at the huge man. "Good morning Sir, I'm here for the interview. "

He looked me up and down and gave me a sweet smile. "The interview of a chef?"

I thought it was as a cleaner. But this isn't hard right? I know how to cook. Finn taught me. "Oh, yes sir."

"That's good, you're early. Just go left and take the right turn. You'll see a door with the name KITCHEN MANAGER. Go in and give it your best shot. Good luck."

I thanked him and followed his direction. It was an old lady who did the interview and like that guy out there said, I gave this interview my best shot. I'd get the results on Sunday morning.

Dear God please help me, for the sake of my daughter.

Time passed by in a blur and before I knew it, it was already Sunday morning. J kept bouncing my feet in anticipation. I need this job. I need it so badly. I can't let Dahlia feel the emptiness of not having a father.

My heart hurt at the thought of my own father. No. At everyone in my family. They left me. They sent me away. I wasn't going to cry over it anymore. They were bad news. If they couldn't accept me at my worst, they didn't deserve me at my best. I hated them all.

My laptop beeped at exactly 9a.m. I opened up the message.

Dear miss Tori Donovan,
We the big family of I. W. R CORPORATION are glad to inform you that you're welcomed to work as a chef in our company's café. You shall begin work from Monday morning. 8 a.m prompt.

I couldn't believe my eyes. This was happening. I screamed as I jumped up and down excitedly. Dahlia ran over to me and smiled at my childish excitement. "What happened mommy?"

I carried her in my arms and kissed her face nonstop as she giggled along with me. "Mommy just got a new job baby, and it pays so well."

Dahlia was so excited and we agreed to treat ourselves with pizza for breakfast.

"Does this mean I'll start going to school like all the other kids." Dahlia asked, her big blue eyes shining brightly.

I nodded as I gave her a high-five. "Yup. I'm gonna save up a lot so that you can go to school and become a doctor in future. Its your dream, right? "

She nodded as she walked over to me and gave me a big hug. "Yes mommy. And when I become a doctor, I'll buy a big house where the two of us can live together happily for ever."

My heart melted with pride at my baby. Tears were hanging on my eyes. I was going to help fulfill her dreams since I couldn't fulfill mine.

"I love you baby." I said as I kissed her forehead.

"I love you more mommy."


Hey there , chapter three is finally out. Hope you enjoyed it. I know all this chapters don't really make sense but its important for you to know how much Tori loves her daughter and how much Dahlia loves her in return. Next chapter would be better than this.

Please don't forget to vote, comment, share and follow. I remain your faithful writer.

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