🌹Chapter 18🌹

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Just had to give another chapter. Man..... is it just me or Dahlia is more than adorable? Share your thoughts guys.



I was in the grocery shop down the road when a white Bentley drove past us. I saw it cause I was at the window. It was rear to see such cars in this neighbourhood. But then I remembered Zach had a lot of cars and he's been coming here a lot lately. Maybe he's the one. I quickly made my way to the counter and paid for the food items I got. I walked a small distance and noticed the car was parked in front of my apartment building. Oh. It must be Zach. Just then, Rita started calling. I didn't see it necessary to answer when I was just about two minutes to my home, that would be wasting her phone credit.

I walked up to my door and opened it with my own keys. The sight in front of me made me loose the air in my system. Ian? Hugging Dahlia? What the hell? Without thinking twice, I spoke up. "Get your arms off my daughter."

He turned almost immediately, clearly shocked. "Tori?"

I didn't want to know why he was standing in my parlour looking so tired, yet sexy, with my daughter's hands around his neck. "Leave right now."

He let go off Dahlia as she ran towards me. I carried her and kissed her forehead. "I missed you mommy."

I smiled at her and kissed her again.  "I missed you too, sweetie." I adjusted her on my hips and turned back to Ian. "Leave my house Ian. I mean it." I said, trying to keep cool cause Dahlia and Rita were in the room.

"Tori we need to talk and I'm not leaving until we've sorted things out." He said, adjusting his shirt and walking over to me.

I shifted behind. "Ian I do not want to talk to you. Leave my house before I do something crazy." I snapped causing Dahlia to jump a bit in my arms. I was loosing my temper  already.

"Just talking. Please Tori." He said looking me straight in the eye.

I inhaled a little. "Rita, please take Dahlia for a walk." I said, signalling for Rita to come over.

"But mommy...." Dahlia started. I know she wanted to spend some time with me.

I kissed her cheek. "Not now baby. Go get ice cream with Riri."

Rita took Dahlia from my arms and I took out some money and handed it to her. "You guys should go have some ice cream, okay?" I knew Rita was intelligent enough to know I needed time and she would do her best to distract Dahlia for long.

"Say bye to mommy." Rita told Dahlia with a smile.

"Bye mommy. I get your ice cream too." She said in her sweet voice.

My heart always melted each time I realized I had raised a wonderful child. Just a little touch up for her vocabulary and everything would be alright. "Oh I know you would. Get going now."

When they left, I turned to Ian who had been watching the whole scene with a sad smile.  "Don't think I made them go away because I want to talk to you. So get the fuck out of my house." I yelled. Yeah. That's why I sent them away so I'll be able to use my words well.

He didn't seem affected by what I said. "Why did you cut off all contacts with me?"

I chuckled. Really? That's what this jerk came here to tell me? "Oh so you came to ask my why I stopped communicating with you? Are you for real Ian? Like really?  Who stopped all contacts with who? Who's the douchebag that left?"

He ran his fingers through his hair. "I don't know what you're talking about. I sent you messages every single day. I called everysingle day and I got nothing in return. You deleted all your social media accounts so I wouldn't get to you. I couldn't even talk to you and you stand there asking me silly questions?"

Before I could stop myself, I walked over to him and slapped him really hard. "Silly questions? Get the hell out of my house, I do not want to see you. Ever again." I added for emphasis.

His hands touched his cheeks. He was looking at me as if I just grew another head. "When did you become this violent and cold?"

I scoffed. This guy just wanted to get on my nerves. What was I thinking? He already was on it. "Don't stand there asking me useless questions. You. You're the reason for all the bad things happening in my life. You're the reason."

Apart from Dahlia though.

"Me? How? Tori I don't even know what you're talking about." He groaned in frustration but I knew better than to believe him.

I felt my eyes sting. No. I wasn't going to cry in front of him. I had to keep cool. He didn't deserve to know he had a child.

"We had dreams sunshine. We had plans for our future." He trailed of, taking a seat and face palming.  "And then I come back, just to find out you already have a  baby.....why didn't you wait for me?"

Was this man for real? "Are you listening to yourself Ian?  You destroyed my well planned out life and that future you just spoke about, it died a long time ago. Just leave already. You've done enough." I also said, tired and letting out the tears. I couldn't control them any longer. I sat down on the other chair, face palming as well. Being in the same room with him just broke my spirits. And thinking of the fact that he left me alone, and pregnant made me want to kick him in the shin. "Please go away." I said, sobbing.


I looked up immediately. "Don't you dare call me that. Haven't you done enough already? You think you can just waltz your way in as if it was some ball dance? I wish I never met you."

"Tori tell me what you're talking about. I'm clueless. Believe me. And Dahlia? When did you even have a child?"

Another tear slipped out. I almost believed him when he claimed to be innocent but I knew better. "My daughter is none of your business. And oh, I just realized I was working for you. I quit."

His eyes widened in confusion. "Goddammit Tori. Talk to me. I need an explanation for what you're saying." He yelled, standing up.

I stood up as well and folded my arms in front of me. "I owe you no explanation Ian."

"Then tell me who Dahlia's father is. Cause I don't know why she looks a hell lot like me." He demanded and I flinched. That was very true. Dahlia looked like Ian and it was only a fool who wouldn't recognise the similarities.

I walked over to the door and opened it. "I don't know what you're talking about either. Dahlia's father died four years ago. So just leave my house already."

He felt defeated hearing what I said. He walked towards me. "I'm gonna leave. But I'll get to the root of all this."

"Have it your way. And as you walk out of this door, walk out of my life as well." I said shutting the door loudly as he left.

I then turned around, leaning on the door and slowly sitting down. The tears were uncontrollable now. I didn't lie when I said Dahlia's father was death. Yes. Because Ian was death in my heart already.

It's not fair you know, just tell him the truth. No matter how hard it is.

For the first time in a long time, I felt terrible inside. Not for Ian. But for Dahlia. Her greatest wish was to see her father and I just closed all doors that led to him.


Awww😭😭😭😭I almost cried writing this. I feel bad for Ian. And Tori. And obviously our little princess Dahlia.

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Do check out my other book. It's on my profile and its just so hot. "The mafia's princess."

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