🌹Chapter 28🌹

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Tori quietly shut Dahlia's door and walked past Ian, going to the kitchen. Ian followed her and watched as she poured a glass of cold water for herself and drank everything at once, then refilled the glass again.

"Your sister left already." He said in an attempt to start a conversation but Tori only shrugged.

"Uhh...and I'm sorry I came here unannounced." He continued, and just like before, Tori shrugged. She just didn't want to talk because she knew it would only make her cry, and she didn't want to cry before Ian.

"Dahlia...our child...she umm...looked sick." He stammered, not liking the fact that he was talking alone. This time, Tori nodded sadly. "Please talk to me."

Tori glared at him so hard, her hold on the bottle increasing due to so much anger. She was looking directly into his eyes with so much hatred. "What do you want me to say? You leave me without a word and come back after so many years and expect me to just open my doors for you and be like 'yayy, welcome back Ian, and guess what, you have a daughter.'?" She asked with so much sarcasm.

"Seriously Tori, i had no idea that you were pregnant. I swe...."

Tori cut him off. "So if you knew i was pregnant, you'll have stayed? You didn't even answer my calls or reply my messages. You left without a damn word. How did you even expect me to tell you i was pregnant?" She asked calmly. She didn't want to wake Dahlia up.

Ian ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and groaned. "What the hell are you even talking about, Tori? I tried reaching out to you but you're the one who never answered my calls or messages. Remember when i told you i was traveling? You said you were going to meet me at the airport but you never showed up. Goddammit Tori, i waited for you. I even missed my flight."

"What are you even talking about, you didn't tell me you were traveling and i sure as hell did not tell you I'll meet you at the airport. I only knew you traveled because i went to your house and the butler said you left for Spain. You left without telling me." Tori retorted, gritting her teeth at the end. "Look here Ian, I'm trying so hard not to let the demon in me out. And that's because my daughter is in the next room. So please, stop lying to me and just leave."

Something was not adding up and Ian hated it. "I swear sunshine..."

"Don't call me that anymore." Tori cut him off.

What happened next shocked Tori. Ian went down on two knees. "I don't know what's happening, there's a mix up somewhere, this is all a misunderstanding. I swear, Tori, i tried to reach out to you but to no avail. And when i got to Spain, my mom took my passport. I couldn't come back for you no matter how hard I tried. I got to your friends but none of them knew your whereabouts. The moment i got back, i went to your former house but heard from the new owners that you guys moved out. I looked for you Tori. I can swear on that with everything in me. A day never went by without me thinking about you. Wondering why you were not trying to reach out to me too. And here you are, saying the same thing. I'm sorry for whatever i did, Tori. I'm truly sorry."

Tori turned her face as the tears she promised herself she won't shed, rolled down her cheeks. Her heart was breaking all over again. She wiped the tears with the back of her hands but it kept rolling. Ian was still on his knees and as much as she wanted to see him suffer, she was still very soft hearted. "Just stand up."

Ian forcefully took her hands and started slapping his face. "Hit me Tori, let out all the anger in your heart."

Tori tried to pull her hands away from him but Ian was much stronger and kept hitting his face with her palms.

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