🌹Chapter 22🌹

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Sorry for the late update, guys.


"So tell me honey, what was the favorite part of your day?" I asked Dahlia as i made some chicken sauce. Zach said he would stop by to see Dahlia no matter how much i told him its not necessary. He insisted,  saying he had a rough day and Dahlia and I were the only people he wanted to see at the moment.

Dahlia looked up at me from the story book she had in her hands. "Being introduced to everyone in class."

I smiled at her as  I added curry into the pot. "Really?"

"Yes mommy. Teacher Andrea said I'm such a beautiful and smart girl."

I stirred the soup and walked up to her, looking into her eyes adoringly. "I totally agree with your teacher, honey. In fact, I already like her. You're so beautiful and smart. And I'm the luckiest mother to have you as my baby." I said and kissed her forehead. "By the way,, Zach is on his way, wanna see him?"

Her eyes lit up in excitement. "Yayyy...of course i am. I missed Zach."

"He missed you too, baby."  As if on cue, the doorbell rang and Dahlia screamed in excitement,  jumping off her baby chair  and running to the door, screaming 'Zach'.

I hurried behind her and opened the door, only to see Zach holding a big white teddy bear and chocolate. My mouth hung low.

"Zach." Dahlia screamed and jumped on him. I watched with a smile as Zach picked her up and kissed her, handing me the teddy bear which was almost Dahlia's size.

"Hey baby, i missed you so much." He told her while walking into the house and shutting the door. "And what's that delicious smell?"

"Mommy's cooking." She told him proudly. "Did you know i started school today?"

I just shook my head and walked back to the kitchen. I could hear them chatting and laughing so much. As much as it gave me joy that my Dahlia was so happy, it also broke my heart that instead of Ian making his daughter laugh this hard, it was his cousin.

I shook my head, Ian only brings sadness in my heart. I have to let him go. I have to stop thinking about him.

You know deep down in your heart that the only reason why you can't let go off Ian,  even though he brings you so much sadness,  is because he was once the only person that made you so happy.

I roll my eyes. My inner girl is messing up with my mind. She's such an Ian fan.

Zach walked into the kitchen with the box of chocolate. "Hey sweetheart."

"Where's Dahlia?"

Zach feigned sadness. "I'm here and you're asking for another person. Almost like you're not happy to see me."

I giggled. "You know that's not what i meant. How've you been? How's work and everything?"

Zach sat down and scratched his forehead. "Things are hard, but I'm good. Work is good. What about you? How've you been coping?"

I smiled sadly. "Things are hard too, but I'll be fine."

He stared at me for a while, then asked me a question i did not expect. "I've been thinking for a while...what exactly happened between you and my brother? I know i said i won't bring up the topic again, and i know its not my business,  but what happened? Who left who? Who did what? I just need to know. Something's not adding up?"


The next morning, as i walked Dahlia to school, i thought about my conversation with Zach. No matter how hard i tried to forget it, it still hurt deeply. Opening up to him and telling him every single thing was a painful reminder of my past.

Once i reached the school gate, i looked down at my Dahlia. "You be a good girl at school, okay baby?"

She smiled, showing me her nice teeth. "I sure will, momma. Can we order pizza tonight?" She asked, sweetly.

"Sure baby, so long as you're a good girl, mommy would order as much pizza as you want..... Wait, who are you looking at?" I asked, noticing her divided attention. I slowly turned around and my heart skipped. It always did that whenever i saw him. "Ian?"

He walked up to us with a smile. "Hey Tori, Dahlia."

"Are you now stalking us?" I asked, trying hard to maintain my anger. "What are you doing here?"

He scratched his forehead and smiled. "Well, the last time i checked,  this is a school and its a public place. I'm not stalking you,  sunshine. I just came to see my friend."

"Well I'm not your friend, neither is my daughter." I said defensively,  looking down at Dahlia who was hiding behind my leg.

The jerk smirked. "And who said I was talking about you?"


"I came to see Andrea. There she is." He said as he waved at a figure behind me.

Can the ground just open up and swallow me? I just made a fool out of myself. Stupid assumption. I slowly turned around to see who he was referring to, and this time, i wanted to beg the ground to actually swallow me.

Andrea Peria?

"Remember her? Your high school classmate? Your friend?" Ian asked, as if i did not remember already.

Why on earth was i meeting people i did not want to see again?

"Miss Andrea." Dahlia screamed excitedly as she ran towards her. She's the 'Teacher Andrea'? Oh gawd.

Andrea hugged a happy Dahlia and told her to go to class. My daughter waved at me and happily ran to class. I wish i was as happy as her.

"Oh my goodness, Tori?" Andrea smiled happily as she pulled me into a warm hug. "God, its been ages. I missed you, Tori. Where have you been?"

Ian cleared his throat and raised his eyebrows at Andrea . "I thought you came outside to see me."

She giggled "Shut up, Ian. I'm glad to see my friend after so many years. No wonder why I took an instant liking to Dahlia. She's your kid. So all your dreams came through. You have a kid with Ian. It was your dr..."

I quickly shook my head. "Uhh...no...."

She raised her eyebrows and looked from me to Ian and back. "But..."

"I have to go, Andrea. It was nice meeting you. G'bye." And with that, i left, despite her protest. Jesus. Why did I have to meet the people from my past.

Andrea was one of my closest friends back in high school.  When I had no place to go to,  she was out of the country,  so she did not know about my past predicament. She was always so nice to me and rooted for Ian and I. And now? Ian is meeting up with her? And she's Dahlia's teacher? Oh God.

Why is all this happening? I just don't want Ian being the least bit close to Dahlia. He may just find out she's  his and take her away from me. Oh God. And Andrea might just know Dahlia is Ian's child. She's the spitting image of him. Gawd, I'm doomed.

All your lies are catching up with you, Victoria. I groaned.


Sorry its short....but are you guys seeing whats happening? A new person? A mutual friend? Hah! Can't wait to see where all this is going to. Next chapter,  Ian's POV.

Please vote if you're eager to know what will happen next.

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