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I looked at my watch, it was past 4 already and I still had a pile of documents I had to go through. Shit, Alyssa was going to be furious if I went home late. My intercom buzzed.

"Sir, Mr. Reynolds's here to see you." I heard Jenny, my P.A's voice.

Oh Zach. I knew once he got here, we were gonna talk for a long time and I wasn't going to get much work done. "Yeah Jenny, let him in."

My door burst open and I rolled my eye at his lack of respect. "You should knock next time."

"I know Alyssa's at home so there's no need knocking since I know you won't be busy giving her some. "

I laughed. When Zach came back from Germany last year, he needed to settle down. I thought he was going to have his own restaurant but he decided to work here in my companies kitchen. However, he cooked for important events round the world. "Wassup bro?" I asked.

"Man I'm good. Busy day today huh? "

I nodded. "You have no idea."

Zach walked over to my fridge and got out a can of orange soda. Who even drinks that shit at 4. "Got a new gurl down there. Damn man, she's the bomb."

I rolled my eyes again. When is a girl never the bomb?"

He shook his head aggressively as he got relaxed on the black leather couch. "Nah bro, this chick's hot. And the best part is, she's working in my kitchen. You need to see her, brown hair, damn sexy round ass, big boobs."

I stopped typing and looked up at him. "Its not all about sex dude."

He seemed shock. "Hear who's talking. The almighty Ian Weizmann. Male slut back in the days. But seriously man, she's the one. I know she's the one."

"I told Gretchen to hire another kitchen assistant. Didn't have time to look into it. I'm sure she's the girl." I said and continued with my work. "What's the name of the girl you're going crazy over? "

He scratched his head nervously. I laughed. "You don't know her name? Have you even spoken to her?"

"Listen, I had to keep up my big bad wolf image. I couldn't fuck it up and aske her out on tge spot. But she's in my kitchen so its all good."

I went back to thw question I had for him. Zach was a year older than me at 28. "What's her name?"

"Its something along the lines of Thea, Taylor. I've forgotten but that's my girl. I know for sure."

I laughed at him. "I trust you bro."


Once Zach went away, I got into serious business and by five, I was done. I got into my black Bugatti and headed home. I was 20 minutes away when I remembered Alyssa just came home today from England.

Shit! I needed to get her a welcome gift. She already has everything. Then an idea came to my mind. I am Ian Weizmann, the ladies man. I decided to stop at the mall and get her a teddy bear and some good wine. I pulled up in the parking lot and got him. I walked towards the kids toys and was looking at all the amazing stuffed animals. My eye caught a big white and pink teddy bear and I knew at once that I was going to get it for Ally. As I grabbed it, I didn't notice a kid running in my direction and then she bumped into me. I automatically stooped to her level. "Are you okay sweetie?"

Before she could speak up, a guy said. "Dahlia baby, are you okay? "

She nodded even though I knew she was going to cry soon.

Suddenly, a young woman ran up to us and picked up the cute baby. No. This wasn't happening. She looked up at me ready to give me a piece of her beautiful mind when a shocked expression replaced the anger.

Holy crap! This was really happening.

Before I knew it, she gave me a dirty slap. And walked away with the baby in her arms as the guy followed behind.



Finn, drove Dahlia and I to the mall and I was happy to take my bahy out. In the car, Dahlia excitedly narrated everything that happened today. Finn butted in a couple of times, telling me what they had for breakfast and lunch and how much fun they had. Looks like they really had a great time without me. When we reached the mall, I turned around to Dahlia who was singing in the backseat.

"Sweetie you can only get three things since mommy doesn't have money right now, but I promise to make it up to you next time." I told her, if I had much money, I'd give her the world but that wasn't how things worked.

She nodded excitedly. "Sure mommy. One for you, one for Finn and one for me."

I quickly shook my head in denial. "No baby, all three for you. I don't need anything."

She looked confused. "Didn't you say its good to share?"

Finn came in this time. "Sure Dahl, sharing ia very good but today's your day. And to prove that to you, you can get five things in total."

Oh Finn! The things he does for Dahlia. Wish her own father could do just half. But no. He's the biggest fool in the world. Walked out of my life when I greatly needed him.

"Really?" Came an excited four year old voice from behind. Finn nodded and got out. I got out too, helping Dahlia out. She rushed into the mall and I had to hurry after her to be sure she wouldn't cause any trouble. I saw her rush towards the toy section. How did she even know this place so well. Finn was faster than me so I let him go ahead while I strolled behind looking at places. I heard a commotion and knew Dahlia caused it. As I reached the scene, I saw Dahlia in the arms of another man. I hurriedly took her and was angry that some random guy made my baby angry. As I looked up to give this guy a piece of my mind, I received the biggest shock of my life. Right in front of me was no other jerk than Ian Weizmann, the guy who got me pregnant in highschool and abandoned me. Gone was the one time love I had for him. And to think he no only hurt mebut he also made my baby cry. Out of anger, I gave him a good slap and turned away. My baby didn't deserve to call such an asshole 'daddy'.

FOR THE LOVE OF DAHLIA Where stories live. Discover now