🌹Chapter 20🌹

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The week passed by so fast and it was already Monday morning.  I looked at my daughter in her new school uniform. She looked so pretty. I enrolled her in the same school with Bella. At least, she should know someone so she won't be lonely. I became teary eyed looking at my little princess as she kept posing happily for me. She was beyond excited to start school.

"I look great, right momma?"  She asked in  a cheerful mood.

I smiled and nodded, pulling her into a bear hug. "You're so beautiful. I bet you'd be the prettiest girl in your class." I told her, increasing my hold.

Honestly,  i was scared.  On one hand, i was glad that she was finally starting school. But on the other hand, i was scared. Scared because she'll be so far away from me. What if she needs something? What if the other kids at school make fun of her for not having a father? My poor baby.

"Momma, i can't breathe." She said in a small tone.

I chuckled and pulled away, wiping my tears with the back of my palms. "I'm sorry for crushing you baby. I just got carried away. And remember,  always be a good girl, okay?"

She nodded with a smile. "I know momma. I'll always be a good and happy child."

"That's my girl. And if the others try to make fun of you, tell your class teacher, okay. Don't get into a fight, cause you may get hurt." I reminded her. I've been talking to her for the past days. I just wanted to be sure she'll be safe. "And always remember that I love you so much. Much more than you will ever realize."

She hugged me this time, kissing every single part of my face happily. "And i love you too mommy."

I giggled and tickled her. "Finally,  you called me mommy again. I missed it. Not that 'momma' is bad, but i love 'mommy' more."

She giggled too. "Okay mommy."

"Let's get going baby, don't want you to be late for school. Rita will pick you up later, okay? And your lunch box is in your backpack." I told her, lifting her up and carrying her out.

Luckily for us, her school wasn't so far from the house, so i carried her to school, ignoring her weight. I kissed her goodbye when we reached and watched how she happily walked into the school, blending with the other kids. I'll miss her so much.

"Hey Tori."

I turned around at Susan's voice. "Oh hey, Suzie. I dint see you."

She smiled and hugged me. "I stood at a distance, watching you and Dahl. I just left Bella a few minutes ago. Its hard, right?"

My smile faded. "Harder than i thought. She'll be gone for eight hours. I'll miss her so much."

Susan smiled sadly. "I always miss my Bella. But its for a good cause. Don't bother, both Bella and Dahlia would be just fine."

"I hope so Suzie. And i hope my daughter doesn't get bullied." I told her sadly.

Susan held my hand and looked at me confidently. "Trust me, she won't. Dahlia's stronger than you think. By the way, how's your new job?" She asked as we walked towards her car. "I can give you a ride there."

How do i tell her i quit from a job that was paying me well because the owner of the company just happens to be my baby daddy? "Uhh...i kinda got fired." I lied. Its better this way.

She stopped walking and looked at me. "Why? Did you do something wrong?"

I scratched my forehead and looked at her. "The thing is, my work schedule wasn't the best, considering i have to go home early to meet Dahlia. I was expected to work late too, so when i complained,  i got fired."

"Aww...poor girl. Sorry about that, honey. So what will you do now?" She asked with concern.

"I'll just go back to working at RICO'S.  Then i can look for another job. You know, i really need a lot of cash right now, so I'll need two jobs."

Susan held my hand again. "Don't you worry, I'll be on the lookout for any job opportunity, okay?"

I smiled up at the kind lady who was five years older than me.  "Thank you so much, Suzie."



I couldn't concentrate on the documents in front of me. Actually,  I've not been able to concentrate  on anything this past week.  For the first time in a long time, i just didn't know what to do.

There was this feeling i couldn't quite shake off. This feeling that keeps taking  my mind back to Tori and Dahlia.  There was this feeling that Dahlia is my daughter. But how is that even possible. Tori and I always had protected sex.

There was a knock at my door, then Zach entered. Great. Just great. Ever since the party, there was some sort of tension between us.  I told him to back off from Tori but he said he had already made up his mind about her. "What do you want, Zach?"

He shook his head. "Now that isn't the way to welcome  your cousin, is it?"

I ran my fingers through my hair and pretended to be busy. "I've got  so much work. So its either you say what you want, or you excuse me."

He sat down and  looked at me. "Fine. I know you're mad at me because i like your ex. But man, i honestly fell for her before i knew you once had something to do with her. I really like her, bro."

I freed my tie even more. "Its against the bro code and you know it."

He shook his head again. "If i knew she was your girl from the on set, I'll have backed off. But i got to know and like her before i knew she is your ex. That isn't against the 'bro code' whatever."

I ignored him cause if i had to speak up again, I'll end up punching him.

"She's so lovely." He said calmly. "A really nice girl."

"You only want to fuck her." I told him sternly. Thats what he'd  said earlier.

He scratched his forehead. "Well, yes. But not like that. I mean, now that i really like her, i want to get serious. She even has a baby. A very cute one at that.  I can't just fuck and dump her. She's different from the rest."

"Back off, Zach. Leave Tori."

He raised his eyebrows. "Why bro? You still want her? What of Alyssa? Don't you love her? I mean, Alyssa can be a handful sometimes,  but she's good."

I glared at him. "Leave Ally out of this. And stay away from Tori." I said, clenching my fist.

"Wait, why did you even leave Tori? How could you let such a beauty go away? You're such a pussy." He said. He was beginning to really piss me off.

"Get out, Zach." I told him coldly.

He stood up and smirked. "I'll leave, cousin. But just so you know, Tori said you shouldn't bother her anymore. See you  some other time, cousin."

And with that, he left. Goodness. Everything is driving me nuts.


Vote and comment if you want some more. Its getting interesting,  huh? Zachary and Ian? Whoahhh.

Just leave a vote for me, sweetheart 🥰

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