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Okay, I know it's been long but I'm here now, about to start writing. I hope you like it and you can leave a comment on how you'll like the story to be.



So I followed Zach to his office quietly. Its was so big and spacious and nice. Black leather chairs and a coffee table. I thought he's just a chef here.

'.... I heard he's even cousins with the big boss.... '

I remembered Maria's voice. No doubt. He looks rich. But why would he choose to be a chef? Its not like I had a problem with it. He just really looked like a model.

"Have a seat."

I respected and sat down. Why's he calling me in here and being nice. I thought I only had to report to the kitchen manager.

"What's you're name sweetheart?"


I shook off that thought. "Tori. Tori Donovan."

"Tori." He pronounced my name as if he just tasted the finest French wine. I blushed slightly. "So Tori, I learnt you're the newest employee in my kitchen. How'd you fine it in there?"

Does he question all other employees like this?

"Its quite interesting in there. I like it. Thank you sir." I answered politely. He gave me a sweet smile. I must admit, the guy's quite a charmer.

"I'm Zach. Call me Zach sweetheart." He said. Was that a German accent behind?

I looked at my palms shyly and smiled. I know I was blushing. Who wouldn't when such a handsome guy wants to be on first name bases with you. "But that's inappropriate considering you're my boss."

You already like him? That's fast.

Shut up! If I didn't tell you before, my inner girl always messes with my mind.

He chuckled. "I'm your boss quite alright but my cousin is the bigger boss here. You should give him the respect, not me."

Definitely German accent.

"Don't you think my presence is needed in the kitchen already." I asked him. There's no time for a man in my life right now and I think I have an idea to where this conversation is leading to.

He smiled at me and stood up. He walked over to where I was and leaned on the table, crossing his legs and folding his arms. "I really want us to be friends Tori."

I gave him a serious look. I knew it. No time for a man now.

He raised his hands in mock surrender. "No harm in being friends right?"

Just give in already. You want this afterall.

No I don't. "Just friends?"

He nodded giving me a charming smile. "Just friends."

"Fine. But I'm heading off to the kitchen now. There's still much to do there."

He nodded again. "Sure. I'll join you in a while."


He did join me in a while. And I couldn't get my eyes off him. He'd changed into a white uniform and that's when I realized he was the only one in white. He was darn good looking in it. He pulled of such a normal uniform into looking like something really special. I tried to ignore the fact that he kept staring at me. His gaze was so intense.

FOR THE LOVE OF DAHLIA Where stories live. Discover now