🌹Chapter 33🌹

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Sorry for the long wait. I've been busy with a new book on a new website. Guys, i really hope you will check it out. Its an interracial romance story and trust me, its worth reading.  I'll put up the link of it on my profile in two days. I really really hope you guys support me. I genuinely love and pray for all of you who read and support me.


I rushed to open the door. I guess Dahlia and Ian are back.  I looked at the time and saw he respected her curfew. Good thing. When I opened the door, my mouth hung low with the number of shopping bags infront of me. There were about 16 large shopping bags and even teddy bears which were so big and could not fit into the shopping bags.  "What the...."

"Mommy!" Dahlia cut me from saying 'hell' as she jumped on me in excitement. She was all smiles and was in very high spirits.

I looked at Ian and he flashed me a sheepish smile while scratching the back of his neck and avoiding eye contact. He has a lot to explain. "Hey Tori, brought Dahlia back on time."

"Mommy look at all the things Mr. Ian got for me. Its too much, right? But when i told him,  he said its nothing and we still need to go shopping. All three of us. Mr. Ian has a lot of money, mommy." Dahlia explained to me. What the hell was Ian trying to do? Win my daughter over with his wealth?

I faked a smile. "That's really nice. I bet you must be tired already,  baby. Why don't you go in and I'll come give you a bath."

She nodded. "Okay mommy." Then she turned to Ian. "Thanks for everything, mister."

Ian smiled at her. "Like i said, honeybunch,  its nothing. And just like i promised, I'll get you that puppy." He told her, winking. "Good night, princess."

My eyes widened. Puppy? I turned  to Dahlia. "Go on in, I'll join you in a bit." When she left, i faced the guy standing infront of me, and before I knew it, i slapped him hard. "What the hell Ian. What do you think you're doing?"

He rubbed his cheek. "What was that for and what do you mean by what am i doing?"

"Ohh, so you want to act as if you do not know? I told you not to go over the board with the shopping, yet you buy things that I'm not even sure will fit in this house. Why are you trying to blind her eyes with gifts and all?"

He scoffed. "I'm not doing that."

I scoffed too. "Ohh really? You want to act all innocent now? You think you can buy her love with outings and gift? That's not how it works, Ian. You need to win Dahlia over genuinely. Not through this cunning way."

He turned and faced his car, running his fingers through his hair, before turning back to me, looking all frustrated. "How, Tori? How? This is the way I'm trying to make it up to her and its genuine. I'm not trying to buy her love or anything. Its not my fault that I've got the money and want to spend it on our daughter. Don't you remember? I always showered you with gifts back then. Its not something I can just stop now, its just my own way of showing love to the people I love." He explained to me.

All of a sudden,  i felt guilty because he was right. He got the money and back then, he always spoiled me with gifts. He had told me it was his own way of showing love. I sighed. "Fine, I'm sorry i misinterpreted your acts. Its just that i don't want Dahlia loving you because of your money, i want her to love you from her heart."

"Are you even hearing yourself, Tori? Dahlia is not that kind of kid and you told me that already. You should have more faith in her. Didn't you hear her call me 'mister'? If she was blinded by the gifts, I'll be getting a 'daddy'. Maybe you're just overthinking and overreacting, Tori. Have more faith in the child you raised."  He explained to me calmly. I didn't say in anything.  What could i even say after hearing his explanation? "Now, let me help you take the bags in. Some are really heavy."

I just nodded. Not knowing what to say. I helped him carry the bags in. They were more than 16. Goodness, Dahlia will have so many things now. I won't need to get new things for her for a while and i can actually save up for her tuition.

All thanks to Ian.

I agreed with my inner girl. Yeah, all thanks to him.

When we were done taking all the bags in, Ian thanked me for letting him spend time with Dahlia and said he had to rush home. Of course, he still has a woman who is waiting for him. Alyssa. We said our 'goodnights' and he left. When i shut the door, i held my chest and slowly sat on the floor. I didn't know why i was silently crying. I didn't know why i was feeling this way. Why i was afraid that Dahlia would love Ian more than me. I was really scared that my baby girl will choose Ian over me. But then again, i was mad at myself for thinking that way. For not having enough faith in my daughter. Ian was right, I needed to trust the love my Dahlia had for me. I couldn't help but shed tears at how selfish I am.


As i heard Dahlia's voice, i quickly wiped my tears. "Yes baby."

She walked and sat next to me on the floor. I put my hand on her shoulder and pulled her closer to me. "I missed you so much today, baby. When you were gone, i was so lonely."

"I missed you too, mommy. Mr. Ian said when next we go out, you'll come with us so you don't have to stay all alone." She explained to me and I  smiled at her. So Ian did think about me? That was comforting to know.

I smiled at her and kissed her hair. "Did you have fun today?"

She smiled back at me, her eyes bright. "Yes mommy,  i did. We went to the icecream  shop and i had a very big bowl of icecream and  cake. Then we went to the park and i made a new friend,  Nigel. He had a puppy and Mr. Ian said he'll get me a puppy. Can you imagine?... "

I still don't like the idea of a puppy. I'll talk her out of it, but not now. She's in such a good mood and i don't want to ruin it.

"....then we went to the mall. He said i could get whatever I wanted. If i just looked at anything, the shop...the person in the shop."


She smiled at me. "The shopkeeper would get  it. And if i pointed at anything, it was all mine. I got you a few things, mommy."

I smiled at her. "Aww, thank you munchkin."

"Mr. Ian also got you something. He got you a bracelet. He called it a 'customized bracelet' and it has your name on it. Its really beautiful and he said i should give it to you. Its in one of the shopping bags." She explained to me and my heart melted. Ian got me a gift? With my name in it? Why was i feeling so giddy all of a sudden. I was impatient to see it but i acted all cool so Dahlia wouldn't know.

With how happy Dahlia was,  i had to ask her the question that had been bugging me. "Baby?"

"Yes mommy."

I scratched my forehead. "Uhh...do you...uhh...like Ian now?"

She was quiet for a few seconds. "He still hasn't told me why he left us, mommy. Plus he made you cry. He also gave me his blood and he took me out today. I don't know if i like him mommy, its confusing. But i know for sure that i love you so much." She told me and hugged me so tight.  "You're still my super mom."

I hugged her back. "And on God, baby,  I love you even more."


Tori and Dahlia are so cute....and who else noticed Tori is beginning to soften up towards Ian? Your thoughts, guys. Tell me what's going on in your head.

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