Chapter 12: Memories

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Juan and Maria, enjoy the 1D concert!

Wait for the surprise!







“Yes Master?”

Cecilia came out of one of the rooms along the hall. She walks to where I was and I gestured to the large lock hanging on the hook of the door. It looked like the ones they use in prisons.

“What’s this?”

“That. Well... That was Sir Edward’s orders.”

Father’s orders?” I repeated, unable to believe what I heard. I pinch my lower lip, calling all the saints to help me calm myself.

Cecilia courteously bows to answer my question without looking me in the eyes.

 “What for? Quarantine? My sister didn't die because of something contagious!” Trying my best to control my voice from rising, I let my anger out by slamming my hand on the mocha desk that was pushed against the wall.

If Cecilia was surprised by the loud noise I made, she didn't show it. The china that was sitting atop the table that I hit smashed on the floor, sprinkling tiny shards all over the place.

Cecilia made a sharp intake of breath. “It’s not what you may be thinking Master. As you know, we've rehired maids for so many times and that comes with a reason.”

My brows furrowed at what Cecilia said.

“They say that room is-”

“Codswallop.” I cut across, feeling my back stiffen in fury. I was looking away from her because I know she’s not telling a lie about the rumors. The neighbourhood calls this place haunted. Servants hearing footsteps here and there, chairs scraping the floor in the dead of the night, even hearing someone giggling in the halls or in the foyer.

I cleared my throat and my eyes darted on the pieces of broken ceramic.

“Shit!” I rubbed my face. “Was that antique?”

“I’m afraid it was.”

“Holy grail! Mother will kill me. She’ll probably dig my own grave and bury me alive. And then she’d throw a party celebrating her successful vengeance for doing her collections wrong.”

With Cecilia in the vicinity, it always feels like I’m talking to an imaginary friend. I don’t blame her though. After showing the green monster in me, I can’t ask the old lady to laugh at my sarcasm.

“Never mind what I just said. Please call someone to...” I trail off, twirling my finger over the padlock. “unlock Amber’s door. And tell George to come back here as soon as he can.” I turn on my heels to head on to my own room which was at the other end of the floor. I stop when I remembered something. “Oh! And one more thing, I’ll be leaving in two days. Will’s asking for the boys and me to come see them. Tell Allan to prepare my car.”

“But Master, your father will be-”

“Cecilia.” I turned around and faced her, I cannot control the way my temper rises anymore. I don’t care about what my father will say. I will not do as he pleases. “My parents are both idiots and they left the Styles Manor to go to Tredici, doing the doctor’s orders or whatever. And most especially they left me... in charge.” I deadpanned the last sentence.

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