Chapter 8: Just Like the Others

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There's a reason why I never wanted to see Harry again.


"Shit!" I cursed under my breath.

"Sorry! Did I scare you?" A guy said. I look up. It was Harry, his hands up in surrender.

I wasn't used to people leaning against my locker; or anyone talking to me; or just going near me. I'm not complaining. In fact, I prefer it that way. Because every time I touch someone or just any bit of skin to skin connection with anyone, I see their past. To be more specific, the ghosts from their past.

But Harry is weird. For me though. Even after my little "accident" with him (Oh my goodness! I need to control my blushing whenever I remember that.) which occurred when I first seen a ghost, I never saw anything from his past.

"N-no. I just thought-" I panted and he cuts across.

"You just thought I'm a ghost?" He supplied with a cheeky grin. I know he's not trying to make fun of me, but just trying to make our small talk less awkward. Nevertheless, I was distracted and pissed and he seemed to notice it. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way."

Biting my cheek, I try to suppress the blush from rising to my face but to no avail. Unlike anyone, he always tries to strike a real conversation with me. And because I don't trust anyone at all, I just ignore him like I do with others.

But he never knows when to give up on me.

I'm purely amazed at how he really gives that effort for me. To others, it's the simplest gesture, but to me, it means a great deal.

"I just wanted to see if you're okay." He shyly utters, rubbing the back of his neck. "You sound different back there." He says with a frown. His thumb pointing over his shoulder.

"Oh... that." I mutter slowly. I feel a shiver down my back as I remember what just happened a while ago.

As I enter D Block of Brookdale, Kyle -a fellow Junior- called me from the second floor's balcony.

"Hollie!" He calls. I would've just ignored him, but that was the first time I was called by my name, not by my nickname.

I decided to look up at him, and when I did, he and his comrade Luke lifts a bucket and pours all its contents on me. The cold water soaked every inch of my body.

"Aggie stinks!" Luke shouts at me.

I admit that my hair actually does stink for I wasn't always able to wash it. A dwarf keeps on poking me whenever I get inside the shower room. And when I'm using my favourite raspberry shampoo, it scares me out of the bathroom because it hates raspberry.

But of course I can't explain that to them.

Good thing I have extra clothes in my locker so I grudgingly ignore my schoolmates and head for my locker.

I finally reach my locker but, to my dismay, it made things worst.

Before I could turn a number, my locker made a clacking sound and it opened on its own and then all I see was white smoke.

A balloon full of flour burst open on my face. And because my whole face and body was soaking wet, the flour clings to my face, clothes, skin, and hair.

I walked out of the scene. I kept on walking until I was blocked by five boys and a girl who I least expect to see.

Next thing I know, everyone started chanting my nickname.

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