Chapter 24: We Got Your Back

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"Hi! It's Ashley, right?"

The girl nods, seemingly confused why I approached her.

"I was just wondering if I could ask you out?" I said without as much as a flinch.

"I... Uh... I'm sorry. But I have a-"


The voice made me turn around. Sure-enough, it was Zayn. His hazel eyes gave Ashley and me an alternate look. "Mate, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I was just-"

"Hey babe!" Ashley runs toward Zayn. My mouth just hung open as I watch Ashley give Zayn a peck on the lips. I look down, feeling like an idiot again. It didn't actually help that Zayn has yet again beat me in getting what I want.

"-yeah, I was just passing by."


I can't shake off the thought of it. Just the prospect of not seeing Hollie anymore breaks something inside me.

Am I going to go through it again? Am I gonna lose again? Am I going to have to piece back every bit of shattered pieces of my whole being? Or what's left of it?

"He's completely demented, your father!" Mother screeches in anger whilst I just stayed on my seat, my mouth tightly shut. It felt dry. Like I'll never be able to speak again.

Quite frankly, I was baffled to hear my mother's rant against my father. She never have a say on whatever he decides to do. This is a first and I believe I should be happy. But I just feel like a trash right now.

"You're not thinking of submitting yourself to him, are you?"

Mother crouches down, her face looming in my periphery. My forlorn mood is a like a fungus, spreading across the trophy room where we are, making it look gloomy.

"Harry? Talk to me, my son. I'm worried about you."

Without really having a forethought, my lips move on its own. 

"I like her Mother. I really do."

There, it's out now.

Honestly, I've been thinking about it these past few weeks that Hollie and I spent together. Specially those times when I chose to be alone, I thought I was okay with it. But when we got those most unpredictable chances of having time to spend alone together, I feel as if I started to depend on her. That's why I try to avoid her again after the day Amber took over her.

But I never thought it'd be so fucking hard. I can't keep my eyes from her. Like I'm a metal and she secretly has some magnetic properties in her body.

I want her near me, always. But as unfortunate as I can be, a lot of things just gets in the way. And it made me long for her more.

I want her for myself, but her safety is my priority. And that's proof enough of how I truly feel for her.

What happened to the selfish Harry Styles?

"Took you long enough to realise?" Mother sympathizes, ruffling my already shaggy mane. "Although we only just met, I know she's a wonderful lady."

I groan, raking my unkempt hair. "But I already made a deal with Father that-"

"Oh the devil with your father!" Mother snorts, hindering me from finishing what I was about to say. Yeah, she's not always the finest woman. "He shouldn't be doing this! He should be proud of you! You're his son, for heaven's sake!"

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