Chapter 21: A Walk in the Hayfield

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Continuation of Hollie's POV in Chapter 16. #Hallie


"I-I don't think I can walk Harry." I stammer in panic as I eye my surroundings.

"Really now, Hollie?" He said in disbelief and hissed in a lower voice, "Don't call me by my name, will you?"

"Wha- Why?" I queried, confused.

Harry just widens his eyes as if to say, "Isn't it obvious? We're in the middle of a public place and I don't want to catch any attention."

"Oh. Of course." I said, only just realising this.

It's a mystery how we can communicate using only our eyes though. But I won't give that matter much thought for what I should be worried now is what we're about to do -or at least that's what I think Harry plans in doing.

"But really Ha-" I started and Harry hastilly covers my gob with his palm prompting me to catch a waft of his scent which disturbed me at the most.

Why am I liking it?

We were still inside the cab that he hired for today's agenda that I didn't sign up for.

"Okay!" I pull off his hand from my face. "You go and I'll wait here." I tell him.

"What?!" He turns to me with a frown. "You can't possibly think that I'll go alone."

"You won't and you can't make me go out there! This is a bad idea!" I emphasized.

"Going to a carnival is a bad idea?" He reiterates banally.

Uh no. Not really! It's just that there are over tens of thousands of people who I might accidentally touch or something and I'll helplessly end up in a state of limbo. So, yeah, my answer may as well be a 'yes'.

I contemplated telling this guy about my condition, but knowing him, he won't believe me at all.

I gave two bobs of my head as a feasible 'yes' to his query.

"Seriously Hollie? Can you be any weirder?"

Well that's just rude!

"I didn't ask for this! Besides, who is the one risking his bug face of a celebrity by wishing to go out in public without as much as a bodyguard?" I put a finger to my chin and acted like I was thinking before continuing. "Oh yeah! That's you! Aren't you the one who should be crowned the weird king."

A brief silence passed before Harry explodes in laughter. His curls became messier as he bangs his fist on the back of the frontseat with hysterics of laughter.

The chauffer looks at him alarmed. Maybe he thinks he's having an attack for Harry was now heaving deep breaths.

His joyousness filled the car for over a minute before he finally resorted to giggles.

I will admit, his laugh is a little contagious and I gave a lot of effort not to end up joining him.

"I must say that that was a good laugh!" He states ever so slowly as always.

"Why do you talk so slow? Ugh. Never mind what I just said. Just go!" I open the car door for him and give him a push but he didn't budge.

"Harry! Will you just step outside?"

Unrelentingly, he grabs my wrist, pulls me out with him but I hold on to the car with dear life but the devil was too strong.

"Calm down." His deep voice said with a gritted teeth.

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