Chapter 9: Regrets Are the Worst

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Annotation: Italicized parts of the story are flashbacks.



I threw a piece of paper towards Hollie during lunch break. I was hiding behind a divider where her table stood near.

She's really a weirdo, but I find myself even weirder. I can confirm I am so because of how my schoolmates snigger at me.

Seeing as I'm crouching behind a three-foot tall divider, with my head levelled with my torso and bottom, I'd say I do look ridiculous.

Slowly with caution, I poked my head back up and saw Hollie fumbling with the crumpled paper I threw at her.

After unfolding the paper, I watch her lips crept up into a smile, making me mirror her reaction.

There's warmth inside of me whenever I see her. I don't know the reason but I'm not that curious about it. All I want is for her to be my friend, which is harder than I thought. And that is because, generally, she's a certified loner. And -yes, there's an 'and'- she never talks to anyone at all, after the rumour about her being an attention-seeking-third-eyed girl spread all over the academy.

What a load of crap!

"Harry! What the devil are you doing there?"

I bit my tongue and shut my eyes, exhaling deeply before turning to face Liam.

"Why do you care?"

This is how I greet my friends, and so do they.

My gaze went down to Liam's right side where a girl clings on his arm like her dear life depends on it. She smiled sheepishly at me.

"Oh, I remember you!" Her eyes dilated in fear, which I just ignored.

Puzzled, Liam asks "You know her?" I nodded and smirked before saying, "Yeah. You're that extremely enthusiastic girl who kept on screaming Louis' name during school fair, right?"

Right. I feel good at the change of subject.

"Is that so?" Liam rubs his chin while having a remote look.

"I thought you liked Louis?" I was really feigning innocence as to what the girl's feeling. She was absolutely terrified by Liam. To our astonishment, she suddenly sprints away.

"Go on! You're not a loss." Liam yelled after her.

"Tut." I shook my head and clicked my tongue, and turned to look at Liam who was glaring at me. "What! I thought she wasn't a loss?"

"Idiot! I bought her every single thing her eyes laid on and I wasn't even able to get a kiss from her! Damn!" He sighed.

"You're really depressed about th-" I was not able to finish my rhetorical question for Liam smacked my head and runs away.

"You'll pay, LIAM! You hear me? You'll PAY!" I screamed and jumped with irritation for not being able to hit him as hard as well. Students and other celebs stared at me like I've grown an extra head, but I could only care less. "Sheez! That hurt!" I breathe in and out while rubbing the back of my head.

"Are you okay?"

My whole body tensed. The beating of my heart suddenly amplified when I felt Hollie's presence.

'What's gotten into me?'

She chuckles and shakes her head. "Is this from you?" I only look because I want to see her smile again. She shoved the crumpled paper into my hands and I think I turned into a statue.

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