Till death do us part // Jamilton

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this has something suggestive , but its shut down quickly , but then it happens again and gets skipped over

also , attempted murder

Thomas Jefferson, a king who believed he was above everyone. His high class dinners, his clothing and accessories, each one that could easily pay off a peasant's home, or give them food for years to come, just spent on the king.

Alexander Hamilton, a noble, known for his kindness and hospitality to those who are less fortunate than him. He quickly became infatuated with the idea of revolution, sending unsuspecting, yet grand amounts of money to the community.

Alexander's family has always been close to the royals, as their fortunes were just below the king's. Unmatched by anyone else. It was no shock that the former king asked had asked the family to be married to his son. Unfortunately, the Hamilton's bore no daughters. They had 2 sons whom had come of age for marriage. Their oldest, James Hamilton, moved to study abroad in France. Alexander opted to stay home, and he was forced to become King Thomas's marriage. The Hamilton's tried their best to preserve their son, saying he was a man, there would be no heir, and the king decided that the heir would be a niece or nephew he has. They tried saying that it would be against God's will, which was met by "We have our own church, it's not against our bible." Fruitless attempts to avoid the marriage, they knew their son's ambitions, how he sent money to those below him, trying to help as many as possible. What they didn't know were his revolutionary ideologies.

"Alex, don't you get it?! This is great! You can kill the king and if you remain unnoticed, then you'll rule! And we'll have the king on our side!" a peasant by the name John Laurens said. He was considered Alexander's closest friend, and outside of Alexander's home, they were rarely seen apart.

"I know, but I'm going to be the very thing I'm against. Also, what would happen if I were caught?" Alexander asked, dramatically flopping his arm over his head.

"Beheaded by sword. And all you really need to do is be careful and slip a little poison in his tea... Aaron works on the royal staff, have him bring the tea for you to poison, and you can kill the king then and there!" John said, excited that the revolution was going into motion.

"No, no, that'll be obvious, or they might think Aaron did something," Alexander said, slightly worried.

"Oh... right... Uhm, your wedding night, there's lots of people, he can die then and there, you can act scared and like drop your wine," John decided quickly.

"Good idea, but he might have me at his side the entire time," Alexander said, sitting up. He brushed off his clothes, easily worth a month's earnings for John.

"Bathroom, no one wants to know what nobles do in the bathroom," John light-heartedly said.

"Ew, you make it sound like we're jacking off or something," Alexander said, scrunching his nose.

"...Do you-" John started.

"No, I don't, Father never told me. I just assumed it's bad," Alexander said.

"I'm not going to bother, so, you're going to be the king and break down the government from the inside," John said. Alexander could swear there was a spark in his eyes at the idea that everyone would be treated fairly.

"...Are you sure that no one would try to execute me? I mean, after I become the king?" Alexander asked.

"No! No! You're the most well known person among the revolutionaries, after Washington, of course," John said, lightly rubbing his friend's arm. The silk was undoubtably soft for both men, John letting his hand linger on a cloth he is sure to never feel again.

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