hah // George²

502 7 2

requested by BeatlesStan44

this ship kinda made my brain widows crash noise when writing , so kings = king george and yeah

Kings laughed a little as he grabbed his boyfriend's phone off the counter. Washington was making lunch, so Kings didn't have much time to do what he wanted. Kings quickly typed in his boyfriend's passcode and closed the app that was open. He was ready to open the gallery, but found himself staring at the current wallpaper. Kings covered his mouth and hid a huge smile beneath his hand. The wallpaper was a picture of them at the park after Kings tried to kiss off ice cream from Washington's nose. It was taken right as Kings was finished and leaning back and Washington laughing a bit.

"My prince? What are you doing?" Washington asked, walking up to Kings slightly worried.

"You made your wallpaper- oh my God, I just- I love you so much," Kings said. He put the phone down and hugged Washington.

"What are you talking about? I left it the same since the last time you changed it," Washington said, confused.

"What...? It's a picture of our date... the one where I kissed ice cream off your nose... It's the only picture you have saved of us," King said, slightly sad. He wanted Washington to be joking, that he wasn't making it up.

"...No? It was last the one where I had dropped my phone in the middle of the picture..." Washington said, getting more confused. Kings grabbed the phone and showed the wallpaper to Washington.

"I'm not fucking insane," Kings said as he put the phone back down, "Who else could've done it? Fucking Lafayette?"

"No? I last checked my phone 20 minutes ago with a message from Lee, he was asking if we were home-" Washington cut himself off and walked to the living room. Kings followed his boyfriend, getting confused.

"Oh, hey, what's up?" Lee said, on the couch and resting his legs on the coffee table.

"How the fuck did you get in here?" Washington asked.

"Your boyfriend gave me a key like 5 months ago," Lee said. Washington and Kings made an even more confused look.

"I... don't remember that?" Kings said.

"Great, my plan worked. Now Sammy needs me, bye bitches. See y'all at work," Lee said as he went to leave. Washington watched in complete confusion and Kings stood by, trying to figure out why he gave Lee the key in the first place.

"Wait a minute- are you telling me that to stop you from changing my wallpaper was to just make it us?" Washington asked after a moment of silence.

"...I mean, yeah. It made me feel happy because you don't like keeping pictures of us..." Kings muttered.

"Noted, thank you prince. And I'll make sure to save more pictures of us," Washington said as he left to the kitchen. Kings, being the clingy little shit he was, followed and wrapped his arms around Washington's shoulders.

"You should definitely do that, because what will we show our grand kids about how cute you are before you get old and wrinkly," Kings said.

"Are you implying that I, your boyfriend of 3 years, will be ugly when I'm old?" Washington asked with fake hurt.

"I dunno, I can't exactly see in the future. But even if you're an ugly old man, I'll still be there to love you," Kings said, adding a chuckle at the end. Washington rolled his eyes and grabbed his phone.

"What're you doing?" Kings asked, trying to peer at the phone screen.

"We agreed that I needed more pictures of us. So I'm fixing that, say cheese," Washington said before getting a picture of the two. Washington's face held a soft smile as he looked at Kings while Kings' face held pure confusion as he stared back at Washington. His arms were draped on Washington, but they were slightly pulled back with the confusion.

"WAIT NO, DELETE THAT, I WASN'T READY," Kings said, trying to get the phone.

"Mmm, no, I like it a lot. I think I'll make it my wallpaper," Washington laughed. Kings pulled him into a kiss, catching Washington off guard. He used the off guard moment to slip the phone from Washington's hand and ran off.

"YOU LITTLE GREMLIN-" Washington called out as he chased down Kings. But it was too late, Kings had already deleted the photo. He handed Washington the phone.

"You're welcome," Kings said with a happy laugh. Washington rolled his eyes and opened the garbage file on his phone. He kept it on, knowing something could happen. He restored the photo and set it as his home screen. Washington then saved photo Lee set as the home screen as the lock screen.

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