High School Nobodies // Washinglee

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soooo , remember when i wrote worried ? yeah , i feel like writing something based on how they met . the first part is 2002 ( they are 12 ) , then 2006 , 2008 , and finally 2011

"Don't do it, Charlie," Samuel said, though he was laughing.

"Don't call me Charlie, that's such a baby's name," Charles said, sticking out his tongue. He kicked up his skateboard and carefully assessed the trick he wanted to do.

"I'm going to do it, Sam, get ready," Charles said. Samuel pulled out his camera and started to record. Charles rested his skateboard and stood on it. It was a relative easy start, but Charles had to try to jump onto the handrail. Immediately, Charles failed to catch the rail under his skateboard. He tumbled over and hit the bottom of the stairs. He groaned, slightly thankful Samuel had convinced him to wear his helmet. Samuel closed his camera and started to run down the stairs. Someone beat him to Charles. The person helped Charles stand and remove his helmet. Upon sight of the helmet, Charles was even more grateful he wore it.

"Are you okay? Do you want to go to the nurse?" the person asked as Samuel arrived. Charles nodded slightly, he could feel the pain in most of his body.

"Charlie, are you alright?!" Samuel asked, running up. He took the helmet and skateboard.

"I'm going to take him to the nurse," the stranger said. Samuel nodded and aided Charles's other side. The rest of the day was a painful blur.

Charles managed to get away with a few scrapes and a broken arm. The day he arrived back at school, someone walked up to him. Charles tried to ignore him, Samuel had never mentioned that someone would talk to him.

"Are you alright?" the guy asked as he reached Charles. Charles kept walking as the guy kept expressing his concern.

"I'm sorry, but, uh, who are you?" Charles asked. The guy stopped and smiled.

"I'm George! I helped take you to the nurse when you fell off your skateboard last week," the guy said. He stuck his hand out, which Charles took with caution.

"I'm Charles. By the way, I didn't mean to fall, it was going to be really cool," Charles said. George laughed a little and looked around.

"I trust that. Meet you again later?" George said. Charles nodded and smiled.

Over the years, Charles and George became pretty good friends. Charles got his first job as a cashier. George had to attend to his first day at work. Charles stood at the register, stiff and confused.

"Hey, this doesn't have a barcode," George said. Charles jumped back and tried to search George's hands for something.

"... George, what doesn't have a barcode?" he asked.

"A date with you," George said. Charles began to stammer. George started to laugh and grabbed a pack of gum.

"Oh, stop, before my manager sees," Charles complained

"Anyways, shall I see you tonight for movies?" George asked. Charles scanned the gum and nodded.

"Just because I work doesn't mean we can't hang out," he said. Their hands lingered for a second as Charles passed the gum back to George. George put a $5 bill down and began to walk off.

"Hey, George, you need your change," Charles called out. George turned around and smiled.

"Keep it," he said before walking out the door. Charles stared for a second.

"Lee, stop looking for your boyfriend," the manager called out. Charles immediately snapped out of his daze and began to help the next customer. He could hear people giggle at him as he flushed red.

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