Katie's P.O.V

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Beep Beep Beep

Ugh! My stupid alarm clock can you not see that I'm trying to sleep peacefully here? No? Well fuck you to then. I got up out of bed and went straight to the bathroom seeing as to my bladder was screaming at me. After I done my business I washed my hands and went to my closet to find some clothes for today.

I picked out a pair of dark skinny jeans and my doctor who t-shirt with the Tardis on it. I then grabbed some socks and my converse after getting dressed I went to the bathroom to straighten my hair and do my make up. After about 20 minutes i was done and headed to the kitchen to see Tommy sitting at the bar.
"Morning" I said sitting beside him.
"Morning" Tommy mumbled sliding a pack of strawberry pop tarts in front of me. Not the best ones but there still good.
"They had this and cinimin so figured by you would prefer this one" Tommy mumbled
"Yepp thanks Tommy" I said and started eating.
My brother seemed to be lost in thought about something. I wouldn't bother him about it. When he wanted to talk he would I just have to give him space. I finished my pop tart and went up stairs to brush my teeth. I started down the stairs when I herd my brothers voice he sounded sad kinda heart broken.
" Are are you gonna reject me?" Tommy said in a whisper.
He found his mate oh my god he found his second chance holly hell! She better not reject him or I'm gonna beat the living hell out of her.
"What? No I just need time to adjust I just moved here but no I'm not gonna reject you in fact  I accept you as mate" The girl said.
I herd a growl and something hitting the wall not hard but enough to make a dull thud sound.
' Tommy I over herd you talking to your mate. I'll just get Callum to give me a ride to school' I linked Tommy.
' Okay' was his reply I laughed
'Heyy Callum my brother found his mate. So I was wondering if you could give me a ride to school. ' I linked Callum.
Now that we were apart of the pack I could mind link anyone.
'I'm already half way their and everyone else has done left ask Alpha if he can' Callum linked
Well damn!
'Alpha Dominick umm everyone has done left and Tommy found his mate so he's occupied can you find someone that will take me to school?' I linked
' Stetson can I'm loaded with paper work he will be down in a few' Alpha Dominic linked
'Thank you' I linked
Not even a minute later Stetson strolled into the living room shirtless and let me tell you that man is illegal. His body should be illegal hell its should be illegal to look that damn good! I mean damn. His faded jeans hung low on his hips reaviling that v I just wanted to run my hands down those abs. I wanted to do so many things to the man standing in front of me. It didn't Make since I turned Callum down because I want to wait for my mate yet this man has made me want to do so many things.
He cleared his throat and I could feel my face heat up. He caught me staring at him well it wasn't like I was trying to cover it up. I was openly checking him out but hell what does expect when he comes in here like that.
"So everyone decided to ditch you?" Stetson asked as headed to the front door.
He's taking me to school while he's shirtless oh god I'm gonna die or embaress myself.
"Well originally my brother was supposed to be taking me but he found his mate so I decides to get Callum to take me but he was already halfway there so that leave you" I said and was right behind as we walked to the garage.
" So I'm just a last resort?" He said
" yeah sorry" I mumbled
We walked into the garage and my jaw hit the floor there was like 100 damn vehicles in here!
" which one is yours?" I asked
"The Nova The Mustang The Eagle Talon but no one will ride in that one especially you. And the blue F150 " Stetson said walking towards the Black mustang and when i say black i mean decked out in black except the lights and rims.
" How come I can't ride in the Eagle Talon?" I asked getting into the car.
" Because its a drag car and I refuse to take anyone in it. And I'm defiantly not letting you ride in it. It doesn't have a roll cage nor does it have the harness so no" Stetson said and started backing out.
We headed to school in silence. I mean if did ride in it and wrecked I would survive and heal quickly so I don't see the problem. Ugh I swear next time I will ride with Callum or walk. Being in this car is killing me. Stetson smells amazing and he's shirtless. Damn what I would love to do to that boy. I bit my lip thinking of how I would love to run my toung along his abs. How I it would  feel to have him under me. His body against mine skin to skin. His lips on mine his hands roaming my body. Oh gos what is happening to me! I shouldn't be thinking about him like this he's not my mate. When we got to the school i turned to thank Stetson for giving me a ride. I stopped myself from speaking his knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel and his face was hard while his eyes were pitch black. Did I do something to piss him off?
" Thanks" I mumbled hurt I didn't even say anything to him
I went to get out but he grabbed my hand and tugged on it it till I turned to face him. I did expect his face to be that close when I turned around. He was close enough I cound feel his breath against my face.
" I will be here after school to pick you up" Stetson said slowly
" No its fine I can ride with Callum" I said
" No you will not ride with Callum " Stetson said growling slightly
I bit my lip confused as to why I can't ride with Callum. I mean if I keep riding with Stetson I'm liable to do something stupid.
Steston growled and before I knew what was happening his lips were against mine.
Heyy guys
So another update lol I hope you guys liked it! Anywhore I will choose today the cover of my book!

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