Lynn's P.O.V

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I cant believe this shit my father was actually just going to send me away? I mean i know i'm a stubborn child at times but damn i didn't think it was enough for him to just give me to someone else. If his mate dosen't want him because of me then she dosent deserve my dad. Honestly who accepts their mate but not their past? I mean i understand I'm not her child but he is my father!

"What the hell do you mean your shipping me off to someone else I'm your daughter your responsibility!" I yelled at my dad.

I know i shouldn't be yelling at him but what the hell did he think i would do?

"I'm not shipping you off on someone. I just need time I'm sorry but your leaving in the morning" My dad said then staggered to his room.

I stomped to my room grabbed my suitcase from under the bed and threw it on the bed i opened my first drawer which was undies and night wear i put them all in the zipper part of my suit case next i started with my shirts, shorts and tanks and after that jeans and socks. I cloesd the suite case and zipped it up, No i didn't have alot of clothes nor shoes and hell I actually still have a flip phone not that i really care I have my laptop for my internet. I grabbed my laptop and it's charger and put them in my book bag along with my straightner. I grabbed all my shoes which consisted of three pair not counting the ones im wearing. I have a pair of sparies , converse , vans and flats, i put them into a bag. Then i began taking my pictures down from my walls and begand putting them in boxes dad had laid out.

I can't beleive I'm actually moving to a pack i don't even know. Maybe something good will come out of this. Affter finnaly packing the last bit all but what i would wear tomorrow and my covers i went to bed thinking about this pack I'm moving to.

I woke up to banging on my door.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"It's time for you to get dressed so we can leave I already have everything loaded up except for the stuff in your room now get up lynn" Dad said

I threw the covers off and started getting dressed I put on some grey skinny jeands and my black nirvanna shirt along with my black converse i grabbed a brush and racked it theough my hair seeing as to is was still straight from yesterday. I headed down stairs to grab something to eat. I founf some blueberry pop tarts which are my favorite I scarfed them down then went back to my bathroom to brush my teeth. After the ment cleared everything from my room we started own our way to the pack house that would become my new home. I didn't give dad a hard time his mind seemed to be else where. I wonder if he will ever come visit me or if he will finally tell her about me and i hope if he does she will accept my father still. I don't want to be the reason my father gets rejected.

After three hours of driving we pulled up to this huge house and i mean huge! Dad got out and motioned for me to get out also i did.

"Welcome to your new home Lynn" Dad said smiling a little

"Yeah" I said and grabbed my bags out of the car and headed to the front door.

I had just stepped up to the door when the door swung open and this woman appered all smiles.

"You must be Lynn. I'm Luna Aria it's a pleasure to meet you" Luna Aria said

I bowed my head in respect " It's a pleasure to meet you Luna" I said

she moved out of the way so i could come in.

"Your bed and dressers have already been set up in your room if you don't like where they are you can move them. But follow me and I'll show you" Luna Aria said

I followed her up a set of stairs down a long hallway and my room was the last one on the left. She opened the door to revel and decdntly spacious room.

"The door across the hass from you that's Katie her and her brother are kinda new here . They were officailly accepted into the pack last night. But I'm sure you two would get along great. She left me to unpack the rest of my things.


Heyy guys

look i know its exctremly shirt but it is 1:40 here in bama and i have to go to nashvill tenn tomorrow to watch my boyfriend graduate college and I'm sooo proud of him! But this will be the last update till monday because my birthday is saturday and this is the last weekend my boyfriend will be coming home until march 3rd which is his last day of school but i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!





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