Katie's P.O.V

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I can't believe I actually agreed to go on that date with Callum! God I'm so stupid I should have known better! I don't do dates I'm waiting for my mate and he should to. He shouldn't just get with any girl because he hasn't found her yet.

I walked up the stairs and into my room to find my brother laying on my bed. His arm over his eyes snoring loudly. I walk quietly to the bed and jump on it.

"omph What the hell" Tommy groans and holds his stomach

"Thats what you get for being in my room asleep" I said

"God what the hell have you been eating. you weigh a fucking ton" Tommy said

"God you ass I'm just healthy!" I said and jumped on him again. which was a horrible mistake because he started tickling me.

"AHHHH noo Tommy s-t-top" I said laughing

"Noo not until you say Tommy is the best brother ever!" Tommy said smiling

"Noo I won't do it you can't make me!" I said laughing

knock knock

Tommy stopped tickling me and sat up i sat up after him.

"Come in" I said

The door opened and Stetson walked in and smiled at me. I could feel my face heat up a little just because he smiled at me? What the hell is wrong with me he is to old for me and probably already has a mate.

" Hello Katie, Tommy" Stetson said smiling at us.

"Heyy" i said wondering why he was here.

"Is there something you wanted with my sister" Tommy asked

I elbowed Tommy and he shot me a look.

'That was rude Tommy what the hell' I linked him

'He likes you and I don't like the look he's giving you' Tommy liked

"Sorry about my brother he has no manners excuse him. Is there something wrong?" I asked

" Umm yeah the Alpha wanted to know if Callum tried anything? If he did he will be delt with" Stetson said rubbing the back of his neck.

"No he didn't try anything but thanks for the concern. But I can handle myself thank you" I said smiling at him

"Yeah, yeah , you're right I'm sorry but We just like looking out for people in the pack. But remember your becoming apart of the pack tonight" Stetson said.

"I know and thank yall so much for letting us become a part of your pack it really means alot to us" I said smiling and i am grateful for them taking us in. I know we wouldn't have survived much longer. People without packs don't really have a right for anything much less a right to live. they never ask if why your without a pack. They just assume you did something wrong.

"Well we found nothing dangerous about you and your brother so we thought you guys were safe. Which is a very good thing for you and we could use good people like you in our pack." Stetson said

"Thank you and we would do anything in this pack but could you ask Alpha Dominick if he has found anything about our parents if their alive" I asked

"Yeah hold on" Stetson said

I waited silently while Stetson linked his Alpha and asked about our parents. Thier not our biological parents but they raised us and I would love to know if they're alive and if they are maybe we can find them and they can also become apart of this pack. I hope they are still alive I miss my father and mother but I miss moms cooking and how she always believed in me. I need them to be alive I need answers about my wolf.

"They still haven't found anything yet but we have our best trackers and we are doing what we can without putting the whole pack in danger. We are doing the best we can. I hope we find them but Alpha said to remind you that the Luna is helping you get dressed for the ceremony" Stetson said

"How could I forget she keeps talking about dresses hills and make up...I'm so gonna bust my ass during the ceremony" I said putting my head in my hands.

"I'm sure you will do fine" Stetson said

"Sure" I said and smiled

"Well I'm gonna go and help finish decorations have fun you two" Stetson said and smiled

Damn he's fine I wonder how he got to keep the piercing because you know we don't really do piercings very well i couldn't keep my belly button pierced damn healing powers


Okay you guy's

I made a face book account for my wattpad!!! Finally anywhore it doesn't have pictures yet because I just created it today lol like right before I updated but it would mean alot if my fans would send me friends request.

But look up Daisey Cox and on the page will be a black and white picture of me and it will have xxgreeneyeddevilxx on it thank you guys soo much!!!!!




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