Luna Aria's P.O.V

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Luna Aria's P.O.V

I'm not sure what to do right now I mean I want my best friend back. I want someone besides my mate to be able to confide in like I use to. I mean I know I have Sasha, Gavin's mate, but it's not the same I wish it could go back to it being me Vanessa and Tonya. I'm not sure if Vanessa was ever my friend if she could go and do the shit she done to me. I mean I done everything for them hell they knew what their rank was going to be once I became Alpha it wasn't like I was just going to push them into the background besides we had talked about all the things that we thought was best for the pack if I could do it. I don't get why she would betray me like that I haven't done anything to her. I was the best friend I could be to her I was at every birthday there for every break up supported her when no one else would I just don't understand how she could do it so easily. I walked into the Addick's room to check on him. I love this little guy with all my heart. I don't know what I would do without my little man he brings me all kinds of joy especially with what's been going on.  I moved the hair off of his forehead and noticed that his forehead felt really hot, too hot. I moved my hand down to his cheek and still he's too hot. I walked over to the cabinet that had all the first aid things for him. It contains baby motrin and other things including a thermometer. I grabbed the thermometer and walked back over to the crib. I turned it on and and put it under his underarm. I watched as his tempature kept going up until it was 104.0. I picked up Addicks and raout of his room down the stairs and out the house to the car. I buckled him and and took him to the pack hospital which is ten minutes away from the house. I arrived at the hospital leaving it in the no parking area. I ran up to the first nurse I seen and told her what his fever was. She took him from me and started barking orders. After they got him in Icu and are trying to get his fever down.

'Baby?' I linked

'Yes?' Dominick linked.

' I need you to come to the hospital Addicks is running an extremely high fever' I linked

'I'm own my way baby' Dominick linkedI sat down in a chair in the waiting room.

I don't understand why my baby boy is running that high of a fever. Most werewolves don't get sick like that. I mean we don't constantly have high temps like in the movies and shit but our normal temp is just a little over humans. I don't understand why his fever could be this high.   Not long after the nurse came back and told me the fever was down some but not enough to send him home Dominick came in and came running over to me.

"what's wrong with Addicks?" Dominick asked coming to sit beside me.

"He had a fever of 104.0 their trying to get it to go down but they have only gotten it down by one degrees or two but it's still not enough he's only one" I said putting my head in my hands.

I don't understand how my baby boy has gotten this sick and me not notice signs he wasn't coughing he wasn't sweating or anything. He gave off no signs that he was sick or didn't feel good. How as a mother did I not notice that my son my baby boy was sick.

"Baby, don't this is not your fault. Don't blame this on yourself baby" Dominick said making me face him.

"But how could I have not seen anything? How could I not have noticed that our son was sick? I should have noticed something before his fever had gotten that high?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"Baby, sometimes this happens and there is nothing we can do about it. We have doctors and nurses here to help our son and if they can't we will find someone who can. But it's probably just a virus or something baby" Dominick said

The nurse came back about 30 minutes later saying that his fever was down but they want to run more test and keep him overnight. Which was perfectly fine with me I wanted to find out what is wrong with my son. I just hope its nothing serious that is just a virus and some antibiotics will help my lil man.

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