Stetson's P.O.V

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I still can't believe they sent me off to find Katie and Tommy's parents. I mean I want to find her parents so that hey still have them. but i don't like being this far away form her. My wolf is pretty much cussing me out all the time. I can't just go back home I'm under Alpha's orders, well i mean i can if there's an emergency, and it's fucking killing me. I know now that Katie is my mate that she is complexity mine and when I get back ,if I'm able, I'm going to claim her.

'Hey babe how are you doing today?' I linked.

I was organizing my paper work on all the leads that I've had that have just lead me to dead ends. Honestly I think that my lovely Alpha is just sending me in circles. I think they just don't want me home right now.

'Hey baby, I'm okay just been feeling a little sick. Oh and Addicks is in the hospital' Katie linked.

'Whats wrong baby? and why in the hell hasn't anyone told me? I linked

Addicks is in the damn hospital and no one fucking told me. Hell he's basically my fucking nephew. What the fuck could be wrong with him? He's just a little kid hell he's a werewolf he should not be getting sick. Typically werewolfs don't start getting colds and shit till there about 6.

'It's nothing just a stomach bug baby. Addicks has been running a very high fever and it keeps going down and up again he's not stable and his body is rejecting anything that can bring his fever down.' Katie linked.

'Are you sure it's nothing but a stomach bug ? I'm coming home' I linked and started packing my things.

Theres no way that I'm staying here while little man is in the hospital and not getting better. I don't know how Dominick and Aria are doing neither one has linked, called, email, or texted. I tried linked Dominick then Aria but both have there mind link shut off. So I guess I'm just coming straight home then. I can't believe they actually though that I wouldn't hear about this. I mean shit my mate is apart of that pack also. Besides the Alpha's son is sick who wouldn't know about that. Which means they need me there. They are vulnerable their son is in the hospital which means both of their guard is down and that means no one is making sure the pack is safe . That also means that no one is making sure that mate is safe I have to head back now!

I packed my shit and jumped in my truck not telling the others Alpha officers where I was going or that I was leaving. It's an 6 hour ride home and it's not gonna be any faster running in wolf form and I need my truck anyway.

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