Stetson's p.O.V

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I could smell it her arousal I tried holding my wolf back hell i though I suceeded only to hear the hurt in her voice which caused my heart to constrict with the fact that i was causing her to feel that way. All i want is for her ot be happy. I may not be her mate but I want to be and I damn sure hope I am. I don't think I can hold back any longer I need her and I need her soon. I dont need to mate with her nor mark her yet. But I do need to know that she's mine and I know I have a long time before I can mate with her or mark her. She's only sixteen so thats three years I have to wait and well I mean we could have sex but it wont be the same as when I mark her. Also I don't want to take whats not mine even though me and my wolf both believe there is a huge possibility that she is ours. I mean why else would I feel this way about her. Yes I know I have a fucked up past getting obbessed with Aria but this isn't like this. If in three years I'm not her mate I will let her go I want nohting more than to be her mate. But her happiness is more importnant than my wants.

"I will be here after school to pick you up" I said slowly trying my hardest not to kiss her.

"No it's fine I can ride with Callum" Katie said looking down

"No you will not ride with Callum" I growled 

NO hell no Callum has made it clear he likes her. No she's mine not his and I'll be damned it he gives her a ride. NO i will damn it only me. From now on I will personally giver her ride no one else will be allowed to only me and her brother!

I looked back up at her after controlling my wolf again just because the mentiopn of another man being with her alone. I found myself looking at her lips she was biting them and I felt my control snap and I crushed my lips to hers. My hands tangling in her hair pulling her closer. I ran my tounge along her bottom lip asking for entrance which she denied me I grolwed and took her bottom lip into my mouth nipping slightly and soothing it with my tounge. I relessed her bottom lip and asked for entrance again which she granted this time. Once my tounge was inside of her mouth we bothe fought for dominace which I won of course. I pulled away not wanting to but she has school she has to get to and I need to stop before I do something stupid. I rested my forehead agaisnt hers both of us trying to catch my breath. she moved her head from mine and looked up at me a blush rising to her cheeks she bit her lip again.

"Please don't bite your lip. I'm trying hard to control my wolf and you biting your lip isnt helping matters here." I whispered closing my eyes fighting for control.

"i will pick you up after school Katie" I said before pecking her lightly on the lips.

"Okay" Kaite mumbled before getting out and walking up to the school.

I leaned my head agaisnt the steering wheel letting out a huge breath I didn't know I was holding. I sat back up straight and put the car in drive and pulled off with one last look to Katie's retreating figure inside the building.

'Alpha, i need to talk to you' I linked

'What the hell did you do?' Alpha Dominick linked back 

'I'm not sure yet?' I linked back 

I rode back to the pack house in slience mulling things over in my head. I'm not sure if what i  did was a good thing or if I just pushed her away form me because hell Im 24 and she's 16. I know there a big distnace but we are werewolves age don't really matter as long as there 16 or older. If she was to be any younger I wouldn't be thinking of her in another way than a child. I know I'm older but I would never push her into anything that she didn't want to do hell I would spoil the shit out of her! I would give her the fucking world if that ment she was happy! 


Heyy Guy's 

I hope you guy's like the story so far it would be amazing to get some insight on this I would love to hear from you guy's Also you guy's should check out the book  Taking whats his  by aamelia.

She's an amazing writer I absolutly loved the book Its completed lol and I sooo hope she does go thorugh with making a sequal! Anywhore I hope you guy's enjoyed the update and are enjoying reading this as much as I enjoy writting it!

Also I would love to give a shout out to Lynnjacobs (sorry if i spelled it wrong) and redheadedcowgirl their amazing people and give alot of support and a huge shout out again to readheadedcowgirl for the amazing cover also Im thinking about  changing the name Stetson's Rogue mate just dosne't seem like it fits anymore considering Katie was only a Rogue for a little while so if you guy's could comment what you guy's think should be the name please help lol!

Thanks anywhore 





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