Stetson's P.O.V

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The search for Addicks has still come to a dead end every time that we think we are getting somewhere something throws us 30 steps back and it's starting to piss me off it's like we are going in circles. Our pack is going down hill and if we don't find him soon Aria and Dominick are going to lose their mind. We can't afford for them to lose their mind they are our Alpha and Luna the people who are supposed to take care of us make sure our pack is safe. They are supposed to be strong and not let emotion show in front of the pack. 

I walked up to my room and straight to the shower. After my shower I threw on some clothes and walked down the hall and to Katie's room. 

knock knock

"Who is it?" Katie asked

"Me" I said 

She opened the door and gave me an evil look. Yeah she's probably still mad that I made her stay behind and with the women. I know she can fight but that doesn't mean I'm going to let her. I'll be damned if my mate has to fight I'm here to do that for her! I'm the one that's supposed to protect her not her fight for her self.

"You made me stay with all of them women!" She said slamming the door after i walked in.

"It was for your protection baby" I said pulling her to me and wrapping my arms around her.

"I can protect myself stetson I don't need anyone doing it for me" Katie said putting her hands on her hips

"Look I'm sorry I know your parents taught you to fight I know they taught you to protect yourself but now I'm here to protect you! you don't have to do it anymore that's what mates are for!" I said pulling her back to me and wrap my arms around her.

"I know your only looking out for me but Stetson I can take care of myself. Look I love the fact that you want to protect me but I can do it myself. You do realize that's the way I was raised its not because I'm being stubborn it's because I know that I can take care of myself. I was trained to fight by some of our best warriors and i'm still getting trained here at first Alpha wouldn't let me because I'm a girl but the Luna stepped and said if I was getting trained at my old pack we could at least try it here. So they tried and after he seen that I knew was I was doing I've been training ever sense" Katie said 

"You've been training and I knew nothing about it?" I asked 

How in the hell did I not know that my mate has been training with other guy's, other fucking guy's. Alpha knew and he didn't fucking tell me! What the fuck that fucking bastard If it wasn't for the fact that Aria was an Alpha also she wouldn't be allowed to train and he knew if anyone was going to train her it should be me! I will be able to train her better than any of them fuckers. She really doesn't need training I can take care of her she has no reason to fight anyone!

"Yeah, I train with the people my age and with Luna Aria also" Katie said 

"I'm going to talk to Alpha and you will from now on only be training with me no one else!" I said " But for now I haven't been able to actually spend time with you so come here" I pulled her over to the bed and laid down wrapping my arms around her keeping her close to me. 

I miss her I mean I know a lot about her but I haven't actually gotten to spend actual time with her. ether I was in another place looking for their parents or we were out looking for little man. Honestly the more time it takes the less likely it is for him to come home.

"I have missed you. I can't believe that we are mates but actually haven't gotten to spend any time together" Katie said 

"I know but I'm here now baby" I said at least for the time being until I have to go back out and look for little man. If we don't find him soon Aria and Dominick are going to fall apart. This pack is going to fall apart without them fully focused and they can't be we can't expect them to be fully focused on the pack with their son missing. We are vulnarable with our Luna and Alpha being distracted. I wish they would just put someone else in charge just until we can bring little man home. It would help keep the pack safe it would help keep our mates safe. 

'Hey man we need to talk later today if we can I have some suggestions' I linked

'Alright after supper tonight and see if you can get Katie and Lynn to come and talk to Aria she's not doing good and we still don't trust Tonya right now and since our son has went missing we put her on lock down and she constantly has a guard with her. ' Dominick linked

'alright' i linked

I pulled her even closer to me and buried my face in her neck breathing in her amazing scent. My wolf is begging to mark and take our mate but her age keeps us from doing it. All it would do is leave a mark but it wouldn't connect us like it should. I want for every one to know that she is mine. 

" I love you " I mumbled in to her neck. She froze and I pulled back to give her a confused look.

"You have never said that before" Katie said her cheeks turning red. 

"Well I should have because I mean it I love you Katie" I said 

" I love you to" Katie said and pulled me into a kiss.


Later that day  

I walked into Alpha's office ready to tell him my suggestion about letting someone else over look the pack for the time being.

" I'm glad you wanted to meet Stetson because I have a suggestion my self. I would like for you and your mate to become temporary Alpha and Luna. There will be a small ceremony for me and Aria to stand down. I know with Addick's missing I can't put my focus on the packs safety and that could be disastrous if not fixed immediately. I hope you accept my offer and when we find my son then I will take my place as Alpha again." Alpha Dominick said 

"I would love to but I figured you would select your Beta to do the job" I said confused

"I did and he declined he said he was not fit and he suggested you instead" Alpha dominick said 

"Wow well of course I agree thank you Alpha, But now I have to get Katie to agree" I said laughing a little

" I think she will agree just fine thats what her and Aria are talking about and we needed for y'all to have y'all s own beta as well so Tommy will be yours although my beta is still in place they just have to work together and Katie's Beta will be Lynn." Alpha Dominick said 

"Yes sir" I said 

"Alright Aria is done with Katie and Lynn and now you need to talk to Tommy after you sign these papers of course" Alpha Dominick  said.

"Yes sir" I said and started signing where he said to sign. 

After about 20 minutes of signing papers I went and got Katie to ask her how she felt about it. Apparently Katie isn't so sure about it she doesn't really want to be Luna.

"You don't understand stetson I'm not a good leader okay. Yes I can fight and defend for myself but making decisions is not my thing I'm not good at making them for other people. I don't want to do this baby I don't think anyone else will want me to ether" Katie said standing there lip poked out like it's really going to persuade me to  let her step down.

"Baby I can't have someone who's not my mate become Luna and besides our Alpha and Luna have already selected us and I've signed the paper work for us anyway" I said sitting down on my bed. 

"I hate you so much right now I really don't think I'm cut out for this at all!" Katie pouted plopping down on my bed.

"I know I know but still you have to do this with me for me baby" I said 


Hey Guy's 

I know I'm late but I've been busy and a slight scare in my Pregnancy but everything is fine thank God. But I will try to update again probably monday if not then tuesday! Thank you for those that are waiting paitently


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