Katie's P.OV

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I'm running and I can't stop no matter how hard I try. My body won't let me stop but I feel like I can't go any further. I don't know what's going on why I'm running or who I'm running from. My body jolts to a stop from a hand shaking me.

"Katie wake up" A voice says

What? I am awake hell I've been running this whole time of course I'm awake.

"Katie wake the fuck up we have to go there getting closer" A male voice says pushing me.

I landed with a thump and a loud groan. I opened my eyes to see Tommy hovering over me with a scowl on his face. I swear that boy never fucking smiles. I stand up and wince thats gonna leave a bruise damn that actually hurt.

"Now why in the fuck did you just push me off my bed?" I asked hands on my hips.

"Because they're closer than they have ever been we have to get moving and it's why in the hell not fuck you idiot!" Tommy said pulling me by the arm out of the cave we were staying in for the night.

I grabbed my bag on the way out making him let go of my hand. I walked behind a tree and changed out of my clothes and put them in my bag then shifted grabbing my bag in my mouth I headed over to Tommy who was already shifted into his wolf. You see Tommy is my brother our pack was attacked so we fled and have been on the run since. Everyone that made it out alive is now being hunted down by well hunters. They are humans who know about us and think we are an abomination and should be destroyed and well not all humans think we are an abomination or a threat. I mean some of us are those of us that are evil yes of course they should be destroyed but what about those of us that just want to live in peace and start a family shouldn't we be allowed to do that?

'How far are we going this time??' I linked Tommy.

'I'm not sure. I just know that they are entirely way too close for my liking.' Tommy linked back.

'Maybe we can find a pack, I mean it would be the wisest thing to do and safer' I linked

'No! we can not risk it. We are rogues now Katie they kill rogues mom and dad did not die just for us to be killed as well' Tommy said and shut me out.

I just followed him as usual I mean he was older and he was also very smart. I wish I could be like him sometimes but I mean he's 22 and I'm only 16 I know I'm very young but my parents were fighters so we were taught young to fight which is why I think my parents were okay with staying back and fighting because they knew we were capable of taking care of ourselves. We don't know for sure if they're dead because they weren't our biological parents there our adopted parents but me and Tommy are biological brother and sister. Our real parents are dead they were killed when we were both really little I was only a baby when it happened barely walking. My brother remembers a lot about our parents and says I look alot like mom. I wish I could have met them but I know I wouldn't change my adopted parents for the world they taught me to be the woman I am today.

Some hours later we came to a lake I dipped my head into the water and then started lapping up water seeing as to we have been running for some time now. I looked over to my brother to see him doing the same but he was also watching out for any sign of anyone approaching human or otherwise. I layed down next to the water to rest because I knew my brother didn't want to rest too long for fear that they will catch up to us. I can't say I blame my brother because If they can take on our pack and survive they have to be pretty strong.

' Are we crashing here for tonight or are we going further?' I linked

'Further' Tommy linked

We both stood up and started to head for the other side of the lake when we heard leaves crunching ahead of us. Tommy put me behind him it was too late to try to go anywhere the people were already in sight I could feel the power off of him. He was an Alpha!

" Shift" The Alpha man ordered.

Tommy bowed his head and shifted and then motioned for me to shift behind him. I did and threw on some shorts and a t-shirt from my bag and handed my brother a pair of shorts from the bag as well.

"What are you to doing on my land?" The Alpha asked.

"Our pack was attacked by hunters. My parents made us leave so I could protect my sister. I'm sorry we didn't realize that we were own someone's territory." Tommy said.

"What are your names and what pack did you come from." The man asked

"I am Tommy moon and this is my sister Katie Moon and we are from the Coldwater pack" Tommy said bowing his head in respect and I did the same

"You two will come with me until I decide what to do with you." The Alpha said and motioned for us to follow him.


Heyy guy's

I'm back lol Soo i hope you guy's liked this one I'm not sure when the next update will be. I hope you guy's like this book as much as you did the first.






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