Stetson's P.O.V

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Heyy guys
I know I'm like really late but I've just recently started planning my WEDDING!!!!!!  I'm super excites yet very fucking nervouse lol...... I was wondering if you guys could help me out....My wedding colors are a baby sky blue and like a light lavender.... I need ideas on bridesmaid dresses I want the knee length so their boots will show ...please help me you can post in the comments sites to go on or to my email..... ....or my fb page which isbon my profile.... Please helpbyou guys really need it..!!!!!!
Anywhere here you goooo!!!

Stetson's P.O.V

Sitting in Alpha's office listening to him rant about how wrong I was to kiss Katie. I know I was but hell those damn lips just looked sooo damn kissable and I just couldn't fucking help it! I mean I know she's younger than me but I will treat her with respect. I can't help but have hope that she is my mate i mean the tingles are one of the signs and i feel so protective over her I can't stop this feeling of hope that I actually found her. Yes she may be a little young but she's mature and I will wait for her to become of age. I will do anything to make her happy.

'Have you seen my sister. Callum said she took off and he can't fucking find her. What the hell did you do to upset her!'  Tommy Linked

She's missing no no she can't be missing she's not missing. I ran out of the house and shifted into my wolf in mid air running into the forest. I ran all the way to the school knowing i would get there faster this way. I arrived at the school withing a couple of minutes. I walked behind the tree and shifted. I picked up the bucket that hid a bag of clothes for us. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and changed into them. I walked up to the school and into the double doors I sniffed and smelled for Callum. I wlaked down the hall and up a small set of stairs and walked into the hallway turning right and followed his trail to the last door on the right. I knocked on the door and herd a faint come in. I walked in and spoted Callum immediatly his eyes were scanning the forest and he looked on edge.

"I need to speak with Callum" I said to the teacher. She was apart of the pack so I didn't have to explain why.

"Callum Mr. Stetson needs to speak to you please follow him out into the hall" She said smiling.

Callum got up and I walked out ino the hallway he followed. I leaned against the wall and waited for him to explain as to why he allowed Katie to walk away from the damn school! Uprotected and by herself.

"I don't know what to say Stetson I tried to find her. I looked everywhere! But it's not my fault she fuckiing left like that! If you wouldn't have yall's make out scene in the damn parkinglot none of this would have happened" Callum said 

"What the hell do you mean wouldn't have happened what does me and Katie have to do with this!" I groweld

"You know damn well. That it dosen't take much for these girl to gang up on someone. Expecailly someone like Katie who is sweet and nice an easy target for the girls at this school.  They pointed out that she was with you this morining then she was with Aron and the me." Callum said 

"Wait what! she kissed you and Aron??" I asked 

She woulnd't do that no she's not like that. Callum better tell me he didn't fucking touch her!

"No, you idiot the girl was just being a bitch because she wanted me and I wouldn't have her. So when i moitend for Katie to sit with us she told her she moved fast for it being her frist day here. She pointed out that Katie was with two guy's this morning and then that she was trying to get with me. And Katie called her a bitch and told her that you were her first kiss and she walked out. I stayed behind and bitched the girl out for treating Katie like that but when i came to find her  I couldn't smell her scent anywhere" Callum said 

"Take me to where she left at" I said 

He nodded and walked down the hall he lead me through some halls and down stairs untill we were infront of the cafiteria. I breathed in deeply trying to catch her scent even the smallest smell would be helpfull. I walked around and finally caught the faintest scent and started in that direction I follwed the trail untill the scent faded to the point where it couldnt be smelled anymore. I kept walkin int that direction and sent  Callum in another direction. Hoping that if we split up we will be bale to find her faster.


'Katie?' I linked

'Yeah umm well funny story umm i gto mad and left school and well im at this umm waterfall and i mean its beautiful nut  I don't know how to get back to the pack house so do you think you can find me?' Katie linked

' Damnit Katie you scared the shit out of me and callum and my brother' I liked back and headed for the only waterfall in this town.

Iarrived at the waterfall in five minutes and immdiatly saw katie sittig on a rock by the water. 

' i found her you can go back to class or home' i linked Callum

'I found your sister and will bring her home shortly' I linked tommy

'where the hell is she and bring her home now!' Tommy growled

' She is with me now' I linked and cut him off.

"Katie" I said 

She turned to me and gave me a small smile and blushed. I smiledback at her and walked over to her and sat down beside her. I looked out at the water and smiled I can't beleive she actuallt contacted me first.

"Why did you leave the school like that i could have some picked you up" I said looking up at her.

"I was pissed and needed alone time but I'm not sure how I wound up here" Katie said and smiled at me blushing 

"Welll next time please let me know something you had me your brother and Callum worried about you" I said 

"I'm sorry i didnt mean to worry anyone but i just needed to get away" Katie said

"I know you didnt mean to but next time let me know" i said and faced her

"I will and I have a question" Katie said 

"what is it?" I asked

"Are we dating I mean we dont have to but um we kissed this morning soo" Katie said looking down

"Actually as of right now no.. But if you want to I will gladly ask you out and take you out on dates. you are mine baby" I said  pulling her to me.

she smiled and me then closed the distance and placed her lips lightly on mine. I was frozen for only a secund stunned shes never done that before.


Heyy guys

i know its short and Im sorry but its late and i have to get up early and then work tonight so hope you guys enjoyed it!!

Thank you for reading guys it really does mean alot to me! 

okay welll i have a small cast so far

Luke hemmings as Stetson

Reba McEntire (younger version) as Lynn 

I still need katie , Tommy and Callum

Anywhore thanks for reading 





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