Katie's P.O.V

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Katies P.O.V

        Well i have told Stetson I'm pregnant and lets just say he is more than happy. But the down side to that is I've basically been put on lock down. I'm not allowed to do anything that could potentially harm the baby so to speak. That includes walking alone, cooking, cleaning, anything physical basically if I want a sandwich he makes it for me or he makes someone else. Aria helps me get around some of it but I have to say she is a lot more excited than I though she would be. I'm 7 months pregnant now and I swear if this baby doesn't hurry up and come on I'm going to have a fit. 

       Everything is going smooth with the pack and everything. Aria and Dominick are doing as well as expected. I still have some people looking for Addicks I know I should probably back off some but I know that he's out there and this is where he belongs. He should be here with his parents and family he should be getting spoiled growing up with them. He should be able to train and learn the ropes of being an Alpha. I know I sound like I'm obsess but I can't just let this go and honestly Dominick and Aria haven't ether we had two of our fighters go off searching for Addicks on their own. They refuse to come back until he is found and it's been two years almost three. 

      Stetson is going to be an amazing father I can't wait till my child gets here weather boy or girl. Stetson believes we are having a girl but I don't really know or care I just want him or her to be here. We have two names we have decided on. If its a boy he will be called Jason and if it's a girl she will be called Arabella. It actually wasn't that hard to convince Stetson to agree to the names he actually loved the name Arabella. We haven't told anyone else what names we have come up with we decided they will know when he/she gets here.


Two months later.

       Our baby girl is here Finally after 6 hours of labor she is finally here. I couldn't be more happier than I am right now. Our family is finally complete. I can't wait for Aria and Dominick to see her. I look down at my beautiful gorgeous blue baby girl and can't do anything but smile. I looked up at Stetson who had tears in his eyes while staring down at our daughter. I held her out to him and watched as he carefully put her in his arms sitting in the chair next to smiling and whispering to her. 

"Are we still going for the same name??" Stetson asked

"Yes baby, Arabella Marie Cooper " I said smiling at him.

"I love it baby it's perfect" Stetson said 

        The nurse walked in informing us we could go home soon after they run a couple of test on Arabella and make sure she is in perfect health. I smiled and nodded they took her into another room. I fell back asleep until it was time to go. Stetson pushed me in the wheel chair while Tommy and Lynn carried Arabella out to the car. We drove home in silence I was just tired and ready to lay down in my own bed. I had been in the hospital for two weeks because of complications with the pregnancy thank god it wasn't longer than that and me and my baby are healthy! 

Stetson's P.O.V

       I haven't been able to do anything but smile since out baby girl got here. Right now Katie is asleep upstairs and Arabella is asleep in my arms. It took me two hours to get her to sleep Katie could have probably done it sooner but I did't want to wake her. It turns out all Arabella wanted was for me to rub her back while she fell asleep! How simple is that but it took me forever to figure it out Aria intervened and told me to try it. I'm glad she did so that I didn't have to wake Katie up.  Looking down at my beautiful baby girl I promised her that I would never let anything happen to her. I would do anything to protect her even if it means my life. 


Hey Guy's 

So yes this is the ending but I just couldn't think of any other way of ending the book besides them having their daughter. In the mean time I will be adding more stuff to this because I feel like it's incomplete and needs more detail so I will probably unpublish it for the time being but It will be put back up at a later date not sure if i will take it down or just edit it on here. But If I can get this book the way I want it there will be another one about Addicks and what happened to him!

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