Chapter 16

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Hiya! Btw honestly I recommend this phanfic: "You are not Alone (Phantom of the Opera fanfiction)". I think it's a really good one, and deserves to be rated and reviewed. Not sure if the writer would continue though T^T I love it a lot. Oh yes, anyways, here's the next chapter to my fanfiction!

"Raoul," Erik strided across the room, as he glanced at Raoul. "What did you actually have in mind?"

There was a silent pause as the fierce gaze of Erik pierced through Raoul's shocked eyes. Then, Erik did a taunting walk across the floor, and this time he continued with a smirk, "Perhaps you thought that I would be rid of... just so easily?"

Then the breathless silence was broken by the chuckling of Erik's laughter once more, before his eyes flashed with an expression of so much anger and deadly seriousness.

I held my breath as I stared at him. The look Erik was giving was the one of a murderous killing intent. Then I felt Erik's hands intertwine with mine and I let out a quiet sigh of relief as his warmth enveloped me once again.

"How? How were you even able to?" Raoul managed to stutter out a string of mumbling combined with trepidation now.

Erik gave no answer at first, except smirking back at Raoul once more along with the strong blazing of his amber eyes. Erik never taunted or smirked in such a way to his enemies. But I could see it.

It meant he was undoubtedly so frighteningly furious. He was so angry, for me.

"How? Tell me! How did you do it?" Raoul coughed out, once more.

"It was your failure... for underestimating me."

"I sent many men, and not just any, but tons of highly skilled people to kill you. You were supposed to be dead!"

"But I am here, am I not?" Then I saw Erik whip out a dagger and in a flash he swished it with such force. Raoul was pinned to the wall tightly immediately by the blade.

"Are you mad? You tried to kill me! Only I can take your life! For almost murdering me you will die-"

"But I haven't killed you, have I? Though a wretch like you really deserves death." Then Erik turned his back towards Raoul, as he headed towards me to take my hand.

"Hah! Now I understand! You're a coward aren't you? You don't dare to kill me, because I am Raoul De Chagny. You are also afraid of my power-"

Another dagger darted right towards Raoul, this time missing him by a mere strand of his hair. I turned to look at Erik. He was trembling silently with anger that threatened to burst out and consume him, but still Erik was enforcing control over his emotions. Only this time did he leak a hint of his rage.

Coldly he stalked up to where Raoul was pinned, and as he glared at Raoul, his words came in a hateful hiss and in such a harsh and dangerous whisper.

"If not for Christine's innocent nature, I would have already killed you, and make your bloodshed be as bloody and grisly as a corpse could possibly be. You wouldn't die simply by a stab, mind you. I would be in so much pleasure to invent all new and possible ways to see your life deteriorating and seep away by such wonderful tortures I could think of. If you really covet your own death, I would gladly grant your wish."

With that, Erik took my hand to bring me away with him, but we stopped in our footsteps by the sound of insane laughter.

I turned around as the Raoul who once showed fear and terror was now gawking like a mad man, his whole body even drooping so.

"So Christine, this is your beloved husband Erik," and I stared at Raoul in wide-eyed terror. He looked horribly familiar now, and even so activating the memory I had when I first saw Raoul's complete true self.

Easily, Raoul snatched out the dagger that pinned him to the wall and threw it across the floor.

"I have to say, Christine. Your 'Erik' is one great guy for you, isn't he? I sent 20 assassins to kill him without mercy. And here he is, turning up all fine. Then next I tried to capture your maids and servants especially Meg to burn them all alive in a cage. But your dearest husband discovered my plans and almost all your maids were missing, except for the old, useless bunch of grandmas. I tried to extort information of their whereabouts, but even you were clueless about that part."

"And you, Erik. Especially astounding aren't you? You simply saw through my act. You already knew I was buying time for them to come. The slightest presence of its scent has been diminished on your part."

"What do you mean? Who are 'they' you speak of?"

"Christine," I felt Erik's grip on my hand tighten. "I'm sure you picked up a peculiar smell before I arrived here." Suddenly I remembered. I remembered the irritating yet faint and metallic scent much before when I entered the room.

"Yes, I did. But what of it was dangerous? It's just a smell."

"Not just a smell. It came from a self-processed candle. Dew and the fresh pulp juice of a certain wild flower were collected, then made into a solid, thus appearing as a regular candle. It gives off a scent so faint while in the midst of being melted into wax. The smell would be so faint most people would ignore it. But precisely because of this smell, the most toxic of wasps hidden in the deepest of holes and caves would come. These wasps are abnormally sized ones, and a sting would not leave you injured and in pain merely. One bite has the toxin to kill a man a dozen times over. Your blood would turn white and gray, before your heart would turned into powder and stop forever. That is the poison of those wasps, and you would die horribly."

"And it would look as if we committed suicide," I continued. The public and the police would think that I had burnt this candles to kill ourselves. No one would know the truth. The truth about Raoul,"

"But my perfect plan was removed by your Erik!" Raoul had retorted. But this time, I caught a glint in his eye.

"Still, all is not lost, is it?" He said.

"Give up," Erik had said. "The police, the guards and the lawyers have all received the evidence, including your other business of goods smuggling. You will receive the sentence of death by the law, definitely. Even so, the police are just behind this door,"

"Wait," I said. "Before Raoul is arrested, I need to know why. Raoul, before you killed Dorothy, and before I found out of your real self, why? Why did you discard and kill her? Dorothy loved you."

"You know what I want to say, Christine? All women who were after me were scums. Wait a minute, scratch that. All women are scums. Including you. Filthy, useless, and the disgrace of mankind."

I felt a surge of rage within me, and my fists had started to tremble with hatred.

"What do you mean?" My voice was aching with ire and outrage, and grown to a loud, screeching volume. "What do you actually mean? Dorothy! She-"

"-Loved me? I said, women are scums. No matter what they do, in the end of the day, they are weaker than us, men. Dorothy merely desired for my status and wealth, nothing more."

At this point, I felt so much anger stirring within my veins, so much that I tried to withhold myself.

"Dorothy truly loved you." I said, my voice trembling and seething with a hint of fury. "She loved you so much, she was willing to give up so much for you!"

"Women are like clothes," Raoul simply replied without showing much emotion. "Clothes that you wear, then discard. As I said, women are useless without us, men. Dorothy was nothing more than a plaything."

Nothing more, his words echoed in my mind. I walked up to him, and with a swish of my hand, gave a tight slap at him.

"You're the worst. The worst of all. A beast among us. The best is that you would be gone with your death sentence. And I would learn nothing more to even know you." With that, I had started to walk away from Raoul.

"But," Raoul gave an insane smile in return. "I won't be facing Death alone."

Then Raoul drew out a knife hidden in his pocket.

"CHRISTINE! NO!" I heard Erik's voice resound in pure fear, for the very first time.

But then there was a moment of darkness.

And he loved her (Phantom of the Opera Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now