Side Story 1

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I don't really know much about it either. It had been such a normal day, whether it was the mundane Monday morning, or the relaxing Fridays, but I had gotten bored after a while. The servants were always there to do the chores and the cooking, and Erik was always the one away in business. Basically, there was pretty much nothing I would do in any average day.

And then, I finally shattered these boring days by asking a question to Erik, it must have probably given him a surprise.

He was just at the coffee table, drinking his coffee (And I definitely do not know how he does it with his mask) as he read the newspaper. It was a Sunday today, and finally he could just take a break from work.

And I had this weighing thought in my mind for a while now, and I had been considering this for so long.

"Erik," I came to him as he looked up at me. There was a short, quiet pause. "Can I go to school again?"


"It's not that I'm against it," I felt his warm fingers brushing at my face. "But you don't really need to work in the future. I'd rather you be stressed-free."

"But oh, come on, it's so boring after a while," I let my fingers grasp his slowly. "I was halfway in my education until you kidnapped me."

Once again, with his golden eyes and that still face, I could not read his emotions. Yet again there was another silent pause, as he considered what I said quietly. And then he spoke.

"How do you want you education arranged then?"

And I was smiling at this.

"Perhaps I could go back to my old school?"

"But your school has already marked you missing. Going back there means questioning, and the police."

"And I went 'missing' because of you." I did a small little pout there, just to tease Erik.

His hand was brushing at my cheek, and then he replied again.

"Unless you would go there in another identity. You would have to put on a disguise though."

"But I don't like faking! It's kind of illegal."

And then we both looked at each other straight in the eyes. Once again, I could even feel the golden eyes piercing straight into me.

"How about I find you a teacher? Won't that be easy?"

"Or maybe I could arrange my education by myself?"

He took a sip of coffee, before he looked at me again.

"There aren't many schools there who accept women already married at your age."

And then, out came a little frustrated sigh from me.

"And so, must I remain bored for the rest of my life?"

It was this moment I felt his fingers tangling in my locks.

"I'll get your education arrangements done. You won't have to worry then."

It was at this that I grinned, kissed him on the cheek, and went away to my room.


The next day came, with Erik walking into my room with some papers. I turned to him immediately.

"You will be taught by a private tutor."

"That's great."

"Your lessons starts tomorrow."

"That's quick! And who might be my teacher then?"



Silence ensued. Those golden eyes were glowing. My head was whirling with confusion.

"Wait. You're going to teach me. You. You're going to teach me?"

A quiet nod came from him. More questions flashed in my head.

I had memories of Erik being my piano teacher. That was a nightmare.

But now my husband was going to be my teacher. And there was no way I could object since I had asked for someone to teach me after all.

"How about another tutor?" In desperation, I made a plea. But I knew he saw this coming. With a smile, he replied no.

That smile.

The hair at the end of my back stood up immediately. With that smirk, he closed the door.

Well this time, it really was my fault.

R.I.P. Christine Destler.


Now I knew why people hated Mondays. By all logical reasoning, Monday had to be dreaded.

I already got up and had prepared all my books and stationary in my room. And it was at this moment, the door creaked open. I tensed up. My spine was tingling frantically.

Suddenly, I felt a warm breath brushed my skin.

I jumped out of my seat in fright.

I turned around, saw him, and quickly got back to my seat. Erik, although with a questioning expression, started out the lessons quickly. The way he taught was indeed understandable and fine, until he started stacking piles of thick books on the table.

"Your homework," he told me as he picked up a book. "Your revision here," as he pointed at a massive text in the book. "Memorise these pages and complete these sums. Submission is tomorrow. I know you can do this." Yet again a smile, and he left the room.

I think this time he was teasing me. Mind games! He was playing mind games.

I had spent every single day complete homework after lessons. The amount of work to do was a nightmare. Every time I finally finished my revision, I would just black out on the study table and fall into a deep sleep.

And who would have known that when another day came again, I had finished my work at last and I let my head rest on the study table. Usually I would not awake until it was super early in the morning. But this time, it was just purely accidental that I happened to wake up all of a sudden.

And in front of me wasn't my usual mug of water or piles of papers and books.

Just a face in front of me half-masked.

It took me a few seconds to slowly analyse the situation, before I wanted to run back.

But then, I realised even his fingers were tangled in my hair. And that he was sleeping. Just quietly taking a nap. It was this that I smirked, and let my head rest on the table again.

And then, gently and slowly I rested my hands at the side of Erik's face, before I fell asleep again.

So much for studying.

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