Rejected Phanfiction

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Please do not mistake this as a new chapter. As I've said, I'll be posting the rejected parts of my fan fiction.
There are a few reasons why I would discard those parts. It's either because the writing didn't hit my standard, or the cast has broken out of character, or I created the wrong atmosphere.
Now, here are the Rejected Parts!

Rejected 01
This was during the time when Erik was missing, and Christine was talking to Meg. (This is the part where it never got posted). Raoul was about to arrive the house, everything was getting  serious then...

"Raoul can't harm you when you meet up with him first. That's because his actions would be seen publicly, and all his wealth and power are based off on his reputation." That was what Erik had said, and I was repeating it in my mind over and over nervously. At any time now in a few minutes, Raoul would arrive by the door, and I was alone in my bedroom with Meg.
"Oh Meg... I really don't know what to do. Where is Erik anyways?"
"Busy with some important matters, as he said." Meg combed the locks of my hair neatly.
With all the thoughts of fluster and frustration invading my mind, I threw a slight fit as I lay back on my bed suddenly and sighed deeply in thought.
"Oh why oh why Meg, do things have to come to such point? I tried to leave him, but my heart was just piercingly painful and I couldn't bring myself to do it. To escape like how I had planned to." I started mumbling in a daze as Meg simply stared at me in surprise.
"And..." I muttered through the covers. "I have to meet that despicable psychopath." Meg resumed combing my hair in silence as I fumbled in my thoughts.
What exactly was Erik's plan? What could he even do to Raoul?
As I racked my brain for answers, distressed sighs instead stretched out from my mouth.
"Maybe you should just leave it all to Erik and stop worrying." Two gentle hands ascended on my shoulders as I resumed sitting still once more. "For all you know, the enemy is not to be messed with. Erik can think up of something." Meg said as she carefully let my locks drop to my sides.
"It's Raoul and all my fault for dragging you all in this. I can't possibly leave Erik all to it. Raoul's an insane-"
"Christine, Christine." Meg locked gazes with me as she looked at me seriously. "Play the lady. Put on a disguise and trick him," I saw Meg's eyes crinkled in amusement. "Now that I too, have known what Raoul actually did to Dorothy and the others, I say you play fierce and cold,"
"You can act and pretend. Do that on your part. We have a mansion of people to save."
With that, Meg walked away as I heard the door swung back with a slam behind me. Instead of the usual, bubbly Meg, this was the cold-hearted and angry one. I could tell simply from her tone of words that she was seething with fury, that it had rippled my skin with goosebumps.
Put on a disguise and trick Raoul eh? My mind resounded with the thought. In fact it sounded delightful and a much better plan to look better rather than my true, frightened self. With that, I wore a wide grin as I stepped out of the room.

Reasons for not posting this part:
Meg broke out of her usually gentle and caring character. The atmosphere seemed so wrong.  (It's supposed to be a hopeless, fearful kind of atmosphere.)

Rejected 02

The part when Erik was stabbed, and he might pass away anytime soon.

Erik was at the critical stage.
Constantly the doctor was sent into his ward to execute the emergency operations on him, but all that came out of it was an exhausted doctor with a sad frown.
The servants came to visit Erik, but it wasn't to wish Erik recovery. They came to mourn for him.
All we were doing were merely prolonging Erik's life by a few days. But even everyone amongst me knew that it was hopeless.
Erik was a gone case. The wound had plunged so deeply in his flesh.
I knew about Erik's condition, but even so in my desperation I refused to believe it was true. There had to been some miracle happening, he had to be just... back.
But I merely looked painfully at Erik's unconscious state. There was nothing, simply nothing I could ever do. Everything felt so helpless, with me only hoping and hoping, only knowing that chances were extremely dull.
But still, I could not accept the reality. It was too much to handle, too much breaking news. And it was so solemn and depressing at the same time that I refused to believe in it.
Just by looking at Erik in his incredibly weak state, I could feel my heart being tormented and tortured by what I saw. Most of the time, only more tears flowed from my eyes. But whenever I cried, the nurses would merely pull me back to my own ward, back to my own bed.
The nurses had said that my emotions were so unstable that I was not supposed to dwell into much negative thoughts.
But it hurt. It pained me so deeply to see things like this. Everything around me felt tortuous and against me, and there were constant scary voices speaking and shrouding my mind with confusion. My head hurt terribly, and my heart was torn.

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