Chapter 9

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His dance was absolutely dreamy. The way he had swirled and caught me as I fell in my dance, the steps were almost impossibly smooth and perfect. Eric himself was like a stage panther, caught up in the music as his eyes twinkled with passion. Obviously the way Eric had twirled me in our dance as he held my waist had already shown how much he enjoyed himself. I laughed as I did a graceful turn while I grabbed his hand.

We were in a masquerade ball, and the ballroom was simply breathtaking. Elaborate flower designs furnished the golden walls, and huge, white chandeliers hung above the ceiling like clouds. The candles were white with their beautiful golden flame burning and illuminating the whole grand ballroom. In fact, the ballroom itself was incredibly huge, and couples danced excitedly with every beat of the music pulsating in their ears.

I spun closer to Eric as the folds of my dress turned, and Eric caught me by my wrists as I peered into his amber eyes.

"Thank you so much, Eric. For my birthday." My lips curved as I smiled at him. I could feel his warm breath on me. Suddenly at this moment, everything froze as I felt his fingers trace up my cheeks, and gently he brushed my hair from my collarbone. I could still feel my skin tingling where he had touched, and it felt almost wonderful.

"Your birthday isn't over," His warm whispered caressed my cheeks. "And so is your birthday celebration."

I grinned at Eric, before resuming my dance pose and swirled away to the beat.

But instead of Eric catching me again, it was a young man who grasped my fingers.

"Shall we dance, Miss?" But before I could even reply, Eric had gripped my wrist tightly as he turned me around. Just from his voice, I could hear the soft crackle of anger and jealousy as he glared at the young man.

"I am her dance partner." With that, Eric had resumed holding my hand, and I saw the young man flinched back and trembled with fear.

"Eric," I said. "You don't have to be rude. I'll only go with you."

"But you, Christine," he whispered as he held my waist. "You can only make me almost insane if another man asks you out."

And with that, we resumed our dance. Not before long, the masquerade ball ended, and Eric led me out of the ballroom to yet another place. We walked through the pathway as I took in the sight of the stars in the night sky.

There was a waiter at the front entrance, and upon seeing Eric, he politely bowed and escorted Eric and I into the restaurant. We walked across the various tables and chairs where couples occupied, and to a door covered by a red velvet curtain. The waiter bowed again and excused for his leave, leaving only me and Eric in the room together. The tables and chairs were draped with a pristine cloth, and on top of the table there was a candle stand with the candles lighting up the dim room. We both sat down on our chairs and there was silence as I stared at Eric across the table.

A waiter came in with a bottle of drinks.

"Red wine, miss?"

"No. I don't drink." I replied.

"Give her some iced honey." I heard Eric said, and the waiter left Eric and I alone in the room again. I looked at Eric.

"How do you know I actually like that a lot?"

"My dearest Christine," He said as he got up of his chair and walked towards me. Then I felt his fingers touching my locks. "I know everything about you." He stopped as his golden eyes locked gazes with me. "I know every dream, hope and favourite things you wish for. I know the exact detail of items you lust for, every single colour and design. One such thing, as a single, red rose."

And he loved her (Phantom of the Opera Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now