Chapter 20

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Gasps escaped from Nadir and Meg. The whole room was filled with deafening silence and shock.

But as for me, I was simply standing there, mesmerised by two hypnotic eyes. He looked at me, golden eyes peering into mine, almost as if he was looking right into my soul.

Inside me, I was crumbling. Melting. Going insane yet growing hopeful. It was an absolutely weird feeling. Two contrasting emotions had seized me- one emotion of despair, and the other was a feeling of joy.

A tear escaped from my eyes and yet a smile crept to my lips.

I definitely did not know what to say or do. I just stared.

The quietness was exploding. Amber eyes dug right into me still, and my mind only responded with no reaction or thought whatsoever.

Finally the silence was shattered by a cough erupting from Nadir. He, who was clearly blank with disbelief, stuttered:

"Who are you?"

Yet there was this awkward moment as Erik turned to faced Nadir and continued to stare.

"Who are you?! " the dumbfounded doctor Nadir continued on." A ghost? A zombie? How are you even still alive? "

Once again, quietness filled the air. As Nadir started to grow more flustered with each passing moment, there was finally a response. A deep, dark voice stirred.

" I'm surprised, Nadir. Have you lost your memory? " a chuckle filled the air. " Your expression currently is simply priceless. "

Nadir's eyes merely widened as his jaw dropped.

" You talked!"

"Isn't that surprising? I talked."

"Enough of the jokes and sarcasm, Erik!" Nadir exclaimed. "What exactly happened there? You were pronounced dead! Your heartbeat stopped... And now you're alive?! "

Once again, the unbearable silence returned.

"A miracle medicine," Erik said, breaking the quietness. "One that can heal almost any wounds and major injuries. The rate of recovery is definitely incredible, but there's a catch- my heartbeat will be so weak until it cannot be detected for a temporary moment. I took that medicine before I met Raoul, fully knowing its effects. There was a high probability Raoul would do something sinister. But I never imagined everything to turn out like this in the end. Even though I could not respond or reply, I could hear you all. Your cries, your screams, your agony, and... " He turned his head towards me."... And Christine."

I was breaking, my tears flowing rapidly across my face. The pain and the ache in my heart still lingered, but it was starting to lift, bit by bit.

"Meg, Nadir," my voice was trembling, evidently with sorrow. "Leave me and Erik, for a while,"

My head went down, gazing the floor as I clamped my hand into a fist.

The door closed as both Meg and Nadir went out.

I for one, had my tears dripping down my face as my fist trembled. I looked up to see Erik, once again with his golden eyes flashing straight at me. The only difference in his usually confident eyes was a seemingly tormented pain that reflected in him.

I took a deep breath.

"Why?" my voice was edged with cries. "How could you trick me like that? When I thought you were gone, I've never felt so hurt and so pained ever in my life! Everything was tearing up inside me! I could've drowned myself crying for you and yet you-"

I felt his arms snake around me as he embraced me. Then he held me close to him, firmly yet gently.

"I'm sorry, Christine," his voice was heavily tinged with sadness. "I couldn't bear to see you in such pain. I never wanted that, I never would. I'm sorry,"

My tears were flowing rapidly now. I hugged him back, as tight as I could. I tried to say something, but my voice was overwhelmed with my tears.

The warmth in him spread around me, completely heating back my chilled arms. A moment passed as we both stood there. Then I looked up, removed his mask, and let my fingers trace the scars and the distortion traces on his face. A weak smile crept across my lips as I brought his face down and kissed his cheek. Then my fingers traced back to his disfigurement.

"You're alive," I whispered. "And that shall be enough."

I returned back to hug Erik.

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