Chapter 19

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Yes! Chapter 19,the 3rd last chapter of the whole book! Now, enjoy :)

"No." I choked out, my eyes widening in disbelief. “You’re lying.”

“Mrs Destler,” the doctor approached me. “I know you are very close to your beloved husband, but-”

“NO!” I screeched at the top of my lungs as I pushed the doctor harshly away from me. Then I swung open the doors to the ward roughly with all the strength I had and ran inside the ward.

"Christine, stop!" I slammed the doors behind me with a loud bang and immediately, I locked it.

"Christine!" I could hear the doctor pounding on the door rapidly. "Come out of there!"

My eyes were puffy and red, and my tears were flowing across my pale skin uncontrollably.

I looked back at the door, where the doctor was still knocking on loudly.

"Erik isn't gone!" I screamed. "You're all lying!"

"Mrs Destler!" the doctor yelled. "Let us in!"

"NO!" I shrieked loudly. "Erik isn't dead! It's a bluff! A lie... that's what you're all saying..." my voice started to trail off as I sunk to my knees. "He isn't gone yet!"

"Christine! Christine!" I heard Meg calling from the other side of the door. Immediately I looked up at the door. "You have to let us in and you do have to understand... he's left you. There's nothing we can do," her voice was tinged with a strong sense of sadness. "There's nothing I can do either."

I could feel the hot tears creeping up to my eyes, and the heavy lump weighing me at the back of my throat. I was shaking, trembling even as my fingers grasped for the door, and I turned the knob.

Meg and the doctor rushed in, appearing extremely frantic as they turned to look at me. Meg immediately walked to me and gave me a tight, long hug as reassuring as it could be.

Everything was fine for a moment  then, until that was when I turned around... and saw him.


For that split second, the sight that lay before me made me feel like a thousand knives had plunged deeply into my heart.

My knees dropped to the floor with a loud thud, and murmurs and mumbling escaped from me shakily.

Then my fingers trembled violently as I continued to stare at Erik. Tears fell and I clutched my hair painfully, as my nails dug into my skin.

I could almost feel my sanity draining away.

In my heart, hope was dying, vanishing, perishing.


I let out an agonised scream of despair.


I stared at him.

My fingers, trembling as it was, touched him.

But his skin was deathly pale. Even his hand felt so cold. It wasn't the welcoming warmth he had.

And Erik looked so weak and so frail. He looked so very unlike himself.

He looked as if...  as if...

As if he was no longer there. My thoughts voiced out the truth, painfully as it was.

But I still could not believe the truth.

I refused to do so.

The way he had looked now terrified me. Where life once was, it was now gone.

But Erik was still alive a few days ago... and by my side when we confronted Raoul. How could he even be gone so fast?

In my mind, memories were flashing. Fresh memories where him and me were still together.

No. He had to be alive. There had to be an explanation for all of this. My tears were creeping down my cheeks and down to my neck. In my throat, it felt like something heavy and uncomfortable was weighing down inside me. Everything turned nauseous with so much misery spiced in my swirl of feelings.

"Erik," I called out. "It's time... to wake up."

His hand felt cold and unfeeling, unlike the usual, comforting warmth on his hand. I swallowed a sob back painfully.

"Come on, it's past morning. Time... to wake up.".my voice was cracking in despair.

"Come on... wake up." I placed my hand on his arm. "Erik, wake up please!" I was nudging him frantically now. "Erik..."

There was a hand placed on my shoulder. I turned around to see Meg.

"Christine, please stop," she said. "He isn't there anymore."

"Erik is alive, I tell you," I retorted angrily. "Wait... It's just like my dream. You're all lying about his death, but he's actually alive. It's all a joke you guys are making up about, to surprise me. Erik is actually alive. He is. He's just pretending. Like how you all are, pretending he's dead."

"Then tell me the joke's over!" I shrieked. "Tell me everything's over and everything will be fine now. Tell me that!" I sobbed.

"Christine, we won't ever joke about this. I... wouldn't lie to you." Meg replied.

"ERIK ISN'T GONE!" I screamed. "He's alive... Alive!"

"Let it go!" the doctor yelled. "You have to face the facts. You have to face the reality, Mrs Destler. And I'm afraid your conditioned has turned unstable. You need to be treated immediately."

I looked at the pitying eyes of the doctor reflecting mine.

"Mrs Destler, I know how your pain is, because I understand it too," he paused for a moment, his eyes looking downwards. "I'm not just a doctor. I'm a friend of Erik's, or perhaps his first friend, Nadir Khan. And..."

"... The proceedings of the burial must happen now, and I'm afraid, Mrs Destler, that your condition isn't well enough to take so much of this news. Meg... You have to bring her out."

I felt Meg's hand wrap around my arm.

"No, Meg please! You have to let me go," I tried to struggle, but my efforts were fruitless. "Please, you have to. "

"It pains me so much," Meg had started to cry. "To see everything turn out like this. I can't bear to see your face twisted in such agony, Christine. I just wanted to help you in the best way I could. I really do, I-"

There was a beeping sound.

It was soft at first, but slowly it grew louder and quicker by the second, and I saw Meg and the doctor Nadir's eyes widen by each beat.

I, too, had started to believe.

"Can it be?" Nadir was stuttering. "But it's impossible! It doesn't make any sense! The pulse rate is quickening..."

There was a loud cough that shattered the stunned silence.

From there, there was a small movement of the hand, and two familiar, golden eyes that opened.

Two golden eyes that peered straight at me, unmistakable and  familiar.

Those were Erik's eyes, definitely filled with life.
Erik was alive.

Okay, I'm sure right now some of you are puzzled, but definitely happy :) In the next Chapter, (which is the 2nd last chapter of the fanfic), your questions will be answered. Thank you for voting and reviewing my story! I hope you liked this chapter though. It was the base plan from the start since Christine's encounter with Raoul. Once again, your questions will be answered in the next chapter. Meanwhile, spread the word of this fanfic if you have enjoyed it!

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