Chapter 21

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Hey guys... Sorry for the long update. I know... It's been a long time. Oh yeah. Before, I had said this would be the last chapter. Well, surprise, surprise? Not only is this chapter extended, it's extended to the point that I have to make another chapter. Yes! Chapter 22! Nevertheless, I have two tricks up my sleeve left for this whole fanfic. I'll reveal one of my 'tricks' here... and the second one in the next chapter!

When will the next chapter (Chapter 22) be released? In a few hours!(because I need to eat dinner.) Enjoy the story for now, like and comment, share the story to your friends if you loved it. Tata~! :D

Time had been ticking. Moments passed by as days went on to the next... until a few weeks had passed.


I crossed the path down the street and turned to the corner at the back of the alley. Quickly I ran across the cobbled tiles with my cloak flapping wildly behind me.

No one should be here- not at this part of the street. This area was rather desolated and abandoned. But of course, being so that it was hardly frequented, it was the perfect place to have a prison hidden inside there.

I turned around to make sure that no one was following me, before I proceeded walking towards a dead end.

As I let my palm press onto one part of the brick wall, the ground shuddered and the floor opened up before me.

A huge stone staircase was revealed spiralling underground. I took a few steps down the staircase as I soon disappeared into the darkness. Then, the entrance I came from soon heaved and closed shut.

The reason for all this secrecy and hidden entrance madness was because this prison was surely not an ordinary one- it harboured terrifying criminals who knew intelligent means of escape. By right, no visitors were allowed to come here.

But they made an exception for me and Erik, due to our unusual case and that the suspect in questioning was Raoul. Even though Raoul was given the Death Sentence as punishment for all his crimes, his sentence was yet to be implemented due to his powerful influence and incredible wealth.

Needless to say, he would not avoid his final judgement no longer. The noose will grip his neck and take the life out of him in a few weeks' time. But just before that would happen, a certain unanswered question still remained.

Erik and I were thus made to come to the prison, but I would only arrive since Erik had some other important matters to attend to.

The prison was heavily guarded with all the officers patrolling about. I showed my Identification Card as Mrs Christine Destler, and the Head Guard let me in. The head guard was an older man, but age had yet to take a toll on him for he still remained strong and fit.
The guard escorted me into a room with many other officials about in there. The place was separated with a huge glass panel and a long table.
As I settled myself onto the seat, I looked carefully at the other room door.
Anytime now, Raoul would come in, I thought.
The door burst open as in came a rush of chaos. Raoul was struggling fiercely with two other young officials. The remaining other officials quickly went to help the two young men. They constrained the madman tightly on the chair with handcuffs and chains. Raoul was fidgeting violently as he tried to break off the binds. His eyes glinted of insanity. His hair was messy and tousled, and his creepy smile was sending goosebumps all over my arms.
I forced a calm expression onto my face and stared coldly at Raoul in response.
"Ah, greetings, Christine." he sneered.
There was an eerie silence as a disgusting grin crept onto his lips.

"Aren't you so nice to visit me? My, and I was getting bored of this place."

"You know I'm not visiting for sure," I snapped. "And who on earth would be mad enough to visit you? Especially after all you have done."

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