Chapter 4

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Visions of a pink carpeted room stirred in my eyes, then slowly it solidified. I tried to get up, but my entire body screeched in so much pain that I was forced to lay back. My skin was pale and my breathing was so shallow. I felt so dizzy. Right here, my whole body could not move and suddenly I started feeling like I was freezing. It was so cold that I had started to shiver.

Suddenly memories of what had happened just before I slept aroused in my mind. Yes, I tried to run away. And I was so near succession. But Eric had been standing right next to my escape route the whole time, waiting for me for so unbelievably long. And destroyed all my hopes in one fell swoop, I had thought. And because of Eric and the shock that I was so close to fleeing, I had actually considered suicide- death as a rather great decision.

What was I exactly thinking? Perhaps I was insane then. But I was alive, and that was still good. Alive but weak and still in my bedroom. And my bedroom as I scanned, had rather changed. Whatever object that was a slight sharp, for example even a pencil, was removed. All the tables and chairs were replaced to round ones, including my window. The square window had become a circular one, and it was locked so very tightly.

The door creaked open, and walking into the room was Eric. So confidently he came in as each step he took. But his amber eyes blazed so furiously as he locked gazes with me. I try to sit up and move away from him, but my body screeched so hurtfully. He was closing the distance, but here I was, totally defenseless. Even lifting a finger was so painful.

In my fright my breathing got even more shallow. The world has started to spin in such a giddy way, but still I looked at Eric as hard as I can. Black spots dotted my vision, and my breathing became even more terrifyingly unsteady. Eric was so angry, I could feel it. I was so sure he would command in that authoritative voice of his, blast all fury at me.

"Please. Why won't you let me go?" I managed to cough out in fear.

"That's because," Eric had begun to move closer towards me. "I can't live without you." His fingers tipped my chin slightly up as I meet his golden eyes.

"I hate you," I say. "You kidnap me here, you threaten me, and then you forcefully make me marry you. And next, you lock me up in a room and claim to love me," I said in gritted teeth.

"It isn't my fault. You refuse to act obediently and try to run away all the time."

"You kidnapped me here! And you raise up that web of lies about loving me and so forth-" Eric firmly gripped on my wrist.

"Do I look like I am lying?" He glared at me now, with pure anger flashing through his eyes. I turn away from him but his hand presses me and forces me to meet him in the eye.

"Look at me!" He bellowed in that authoritative voice of his while still locking gazes with me. "Do I look like I am lying?" He hissed and said it even more slowly.

"Christine!" He yelled in such a deafening loudness I have never ever heard before. His voice boomed, and we were so close to each other when he said that. So close that our chests were almost touching. My ear cracked in the most painful way.

Immediately I let my hair bangs cover my face. Hot tears were forming, and my heart was almost about to shatter in fright.

"You don't," Tears were streaming from my eyes. "You don't look like you're lying." Eric moved away my hair that covered my eyes to the side of my ears.

There, I thought. My tear-stained face, all there for you to take pleasure in looking at. Then Eric looked at me in shock. As if I wouldn't cry from all the shouting he just did. He stared at me, simply blank. And then he continued.

"Christine," He said in a softer voice, a more comforting, sensual whisper. "Do you know exactly how much suffering you gave me?"

Suffering? My mind had twirled in the thought.

"Everyday, every night. At every moment of my life. Whether or not I closed my eyes, you would be there in my head. I could even picture your laughter. My heart was stolen. I thought about you, every minute of my life," His gloved hand started to grasp my hand.

"I tried to deny, but you would never let my thoughts go. You took my heart away with you," His eyes were peering into my eyes, piercing right through me. "Even though I knew you were a naive girl, you could bring me stumbling in words and acting so foolishly out of control. And before I knew it, I was under your spell. Going into a daze and starting to act so extreme. I had fallen so deeply in love with you that you became my reason to live," A lone finger touches my cheek, as gentle as a falling snowflake.

"I can't ever let you go."

And he loved her (Phantom of the Opera Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now