Chapter 22 (Last Chapter)

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Aha! I like your defiance. The following message I have here is actually super important by the way.... You really mustn't skip it because it concerns with you reading this fanfic.

So guys, firstly before you read the story, I'd like to address some quite important things.

This is the last chapter and I will write the rest of my story just like how I normally do for a chapter, but at the end of my writing, I will be doing this "Fanfiction Confessions". Basically it's about how I felt when I was writing this fanfiction. I suggest you read through the whole thing, because there is a very important news I'm going to write inside also. Yes, it'll concern you all, definitely.

P.S. Play the music I uploaded along with this chapter for full experience! (I created the fanmade video. Please do watch and like it!)

Now then, I shouldn't keep you back much longer. You can continue reading the story :)

"You're Erik's mother aren't you?"

She stared at me in genuine shock and surprise. An awkward silence ensued soon after that.

"Yes," she spoke softly, almost like a whisper. "I am his mother."

This time it was I who kept quiet. I gripped the cup handle firmly, as I looked down and started considering what words to use for this talk.

"He was without you for a long time, trying to survive in this world."

She nodded her head quietly in shame whenever I spoke a word about Erik.

Then I continued:

"I came here to know why. Why did you... abandon him?"

But instead of the silent nods she gave or a small reply to my question, she burst out in tears and in agony. It was her sudden reaction of defiant screaming that made me flinch.

"NO!" she denied so strongly. "I didn't want to separate from him. I didn't! It was her.!"

And then her voice started to be softer and more cautious, but each word came out as sharp and cold as a pin needle.

"It was all her... She did it. She took him away from me!"

What? My mind twirled, half in shock, half curious.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's a long story, " she paused, then continued to peer into my eyes. "Only I know it. No one else does."

I stared at her back. "Please go on."

"It all started when I met my husband and married him," she said slowly. "He was a great genius and I... was simply obsessed with him."

"We were a good couple, or at least that's what I think. We were doing so well at the economic side, earning enough money to sustain our family. "

"And then I got pregnant with my first child. We were both so happy, my husband and I. We were excited for the new child we were going to have, but unbeknownst to us... my sister had other plans. Many other plans. She came with the idea that if my husband were to be so intelligent, then his future child would be too. After about a few years when I had already given birth and Erik was still a young boy then, she took him. "

"She figured if she would raise Erik as her own child, he would be loyal to her. Then she would use that intelligence he had, to be able to earn more money. For you see, me and my husband were rich, and that was all because of how my husband was clever in almost anything. He of course, knew how to make the money fast and rolling."

And he loved her (Phantom of the Opera Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now