Chapter 6 and 7

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"I'm coming in," there were several knocks on the door before a servant came in with a tray of tea and biscuits.

Morning had arrived gloomily with howling winds and the icy rain pouring over. I awoke shivering even with the covers on me. Then as I looked at the servant, my eyes widened in surprise, and so had the servant herself. Her blonde hair, her lovely crystal blue eyes and that voice of hers was unmistakable- She was MEGAN GIRY! Meg used to be in the same college as was I, before she had told me that her mother was going to work some place elsewhere and had to move away from town. I had cried and sobbed then, for Meg was my best friend since young.

But I never thought I would meet her again- and meet her as her mistress for she was one of my servants now.

"Christine!" She cried. "When I had heard that Eric had brought a girl of your name here, I had never thought she would be you!"

"Meg! I never thought I would meet you either!" Then we had a long, good hug. When Mother had passed away, she was the only friend who would stood by my side, comforting me. Rather than a friend, we were almost like sisters, even if we were not of the same blood. As for Meg's mother, Mdm Giry, she was like another parent to me. She had been kind and took care of me like I was another child when Mother was gone. Of course, it tore my heart when Mdm Giry had to leave to.

"Christine, remember the times during college when you would sing and I would do ballet dancing?"

"Oh yes, definitely. Especially the song, "Spring Love" remember? I loved that one."

"Well, why don't you sing then? It's been a long time since I heard your voice. I had missed you, really."

With that, I inhaled deeply and let the notes fly:

Spring has come,

Spring is here.

The flowers bloom,

as my heart blooms for you.

The birds chirp,

The zephyr caresses,

The river flows,

as my love pours too.

The song will fly,

the notes will float,

as does the music reverberate

by Spring,

by my love,

all for you.

"Amazing!" Meg had clapped wildly, as she grinned at me. "Once again Christine, your voice is a mystery. Totally lovely as always."

"You give me too much credit," I laughed gleefully. Meg was just as cheerful as always, being so bubbly and friendly to almost anyone.

Suddenly Meg had looked at her watch, and she flinched back.

"Just look at the time! I have got to go before my mother gets angry! Oh yes, and I had better tell you the message I was to pass to you. My mother had asked me to inform you that you would meet Eric in the music room at 7pm. Don't worry, I'll guide you along the huge mansion. His music room isn't hard to find." There was one more smile, before she headed for the door.

"Wait!" I exclaimed as I grabbed her hand. She turned back.

"Erm, I have to tell you something. It's about yesterday night." I blushed at the thought of yesterday with Eric.

And he loved her (Phantom of the Opera Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now