Chapter 17

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Hey!!! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing my fan fiction! Oh yah please please review guys will mean so much to me. And Btw I drew Erik :DDD (when I was daydreaming) At least tell me about the drawing :O Thanks!

But that darkness was for a moment, when I had closed my eyes in fear that a blade would pierce through my flesh.

My heart had stopped.

Or at least skipped a beat for a second there.

Bright red blood splashed and painted the knife gruesomely, and the blood drained like an overflowing undercurrent. Crimson and red gushed through the floor thick and sticky. My thoughts went mindless, my eyes went blank, and I stared expressionless at the knife along with Raoul's triumphant smile.

There was a horrifying amount of blood sprawled on the floor, almost like a huge puddle one could step on.

There was blood, there was a sharp blade, and there was a killer wielding the knife.

But there was no pain.

No searing or immediate hurt tearing through my flesh.

The knife had done its work, it had drawn out fresh blood from its victim.

But then to my horror, my eyes widened and turned into a state of traumatised terror as it suddenly dawned on me. I wasn't even touched. I didn't even feel the edge of the weapon.

Erik had taken the killing blow for me.

I couldn't react.

It was a blur. Things weren't even supposed to be like this. In my ear hung a drilling tone that almost made me deaf, my stomach had twisted terribly nauseous and my brain simply could not register the scene before me. My mind was in a swirl, simply useless and unthinking for that moment, and black dots spotted my vision heavily.

Covering me was Erik hunched with the knife still etched in his flesh. Blood drizzled across his deep wound, and Raoul pulled the blade back away in a hard swing. Sounds of mumbling escaped from Erik as his knees dropped to the floor, before his body lay. From the door burst policemen who arrested Raoul immediately, but my tears had blurred almost all my vision.

Even though my thoughts were paralyzed from the shock I received earlier, realisation finally hit me, but still I could not believe it all.

"Someone help... Help him please... " My sobs and my cries screeched in frustration and utter despair.

" It's me! ALL MY FAULT!" I screamed. The door swung open, this time rushing in with the missing servants from before and even Meg. Immediately a doctor was brought in, but still I was crying and screaming. Then my breathing became harsher and quicker and soon I lost control as my chest started to hurt. In my mind it drilled with some sort of acute pain and I lost control of my breathing. It became so quick that I could hardly grasp for air. I clutched helplessly on anything I could hold, but it felt as if there was something binding my chest. My whole head vibrated angrily, but the sight of Erik's bloodied body made me almost spin out of control.

"Help him... " my grasp on his hand started to loosen. Erik's hand was turning paler and even colder. So much colder that I was panicking even more.

" HELP HIM! please... " my voice dragged away still tinged with sobs and cries.

But as the doctor went to check up on Erik, suddenly I felt a grip on my shoulders, pulling me away from Erik. Wildly I thrashed and struggled, screeching horribly and rebelling defiantly.

" Christine." I heard her all-too familiar voice.

"Release me at once! " I said, grasping desperately for air. " Look at Erik now! And it's all because of ME! Release me! I-"

"Christine! " Meg said once more, this time her voice sounding more firm and stern. "You're not breathing. "

I stopped struggling, and this time my eyes widened as I listened. But then my chest started rising and falling rapidly.

" Christine, calm down. "

" But Erik-"

"We all know," Meg's voice was trembling and even she started to tear up. "But look at you now. You can't do anything in this state and I can't afford to lose another of my closest friends. Trust me," her pleading eyes gazed at me.

"Meg, I... " I tried to clutch on her hand, but my weak grip failed terribly.

" I still can't breathe. "


" Christine? " a voice stirred my drowsy vision. I looked up blankly, seeing the face of Meg materialise.

" Can you see me? " I stared blankly at her and nodded absent-mindedly. Then suddenly my memories dawned on me. I quickly sat up and sped out of the ward.

" Christine! " I heard Meg's voice calling after me, but still I dashed as fast as I could. Where was Erik? Just where was he?

" No, you aren't supposed to be up yet-"

"Where is he?" I asked hastily. "Where is he?! "

But Meg's face merely turned dark and quickly she averted my questioning gaze.

" There, " she pointed to a door, still avoiding my eyes.

" Christine, I'm sorry he's-"

I burst open the door and sprinted inside the private ward. There, I saw a doctor busily attending to his patient. I slowed down my pace as I stared at the man lying unconscious on the bed.

Erik's mask had been taken off and there were tubes all around his body. Bandages were wrapped around him and even his face was deathly pale.

"Doctor..." I looked at him aghast. "How is Erik...?"

"Christine!" the door swung open again. "You aren't supposed to be here. You still need time to recuperate. "

"What is Erik's condition? Tell me." I asked sternly.

Meg's face turned dark once more, and quickly she looked away from me. She grasped my hand, attempting to drag me away from the ward, but I pulled away immediately.

"Answer me. "

"No, Christine. You don't understand."

"Understand what? "

" Girls if you must settle your issues, " the doctor interrupted. "Do it outside. He needs all the rest he can get." The doctor gestured at the deeply wounded Erik. I took Meg's hand and we headed outside.

"I want answers. Now." I said, as I stared sternly at Meg. She stuttered and mumbled with a bit of hesitation, as if jumbling her thoughts on what to say.

"You see... Raoul stabbed Erik, and then you fainted... "

" I know that! " my lips turned into a sad curve, as my memories flooded back.

" Get to the point! "

" But Christine," Meg looked at me solemnly. "You aren't ready yet."

"What do you mean? I'm fine."

"No, your condition still isn't stabilised. You might see illusions or go into depression or even-"

"Meg," I said slowly. "If you aren't going to tell me, no one ever would."

"But I can't bear to see things like this."

"And you can't keep me in the dark forever either, " I paused, and I looked straight into her eyes. "How is Erik?"

Meg swallowed hard and her tears started to swell up in her eyes. Quickly she wiped off her tears and then continued:

"The doctor says Erik isn't going to make it. He will die... in a few days time."

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