Chapter 2

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The sun had risen and the daylight filtered through the window. I was locked in my bedroom again. And whatever tools I could use to get out were all removed. There was nothing here. Nothing but my bed and an empty table, some flowers and the window. Eric said this was punishment. Punishment for trying to escape from him a few weeks ago. Still, I must flee from here. Eric is the man that bounded me here, forced me into a marriage and taken my future into his hands. He was the one that kidnapped me, and destroyed my dream. Yes, the dream of being a singer. It was all taken away by this person who claimed to be in love with me. "Love" was nothing but a lie, an excuse. All he injected was fear into my very being, made me live in such frightful terror.

Even if the servants had said that Eric was actually a good person and just tended to go to the extreme with the company of people, I must still escape from him. But here, my room had nothing. Nothing for me to use to get out. And I laid silently on my bed, sometimes on the floor, just thinking of escape plans. But then suddenly one day, when it was evening, there was a sound of something dropping and crashing into the grasses next to the window.

Immediately I turned and looked at it. It was an old, rusty telephone. Probably one of the servants had dropped the phone here, just for littering. But my eyes had sparkled. Perhaps this phone could still be of use. From the window railings, I grabbed the phone. It was certainly broken, for its cable had been smashed probably in accident.

So it was practically useless, for it cannot be used for calling. I sighed heavily. But as I looked at the phone, twirling the wire while lost in thoughts, something struck me. The wire! Yes! definitely the wire would fit into the door lock. Immediately I started to try pulling the wire out, for I had no scissors or sharp thing that I could used to cut the plastic wire. I pulled until my fingers were red and rash, burning with the biting friction. But I managed to tear one part of the plastic out. Next, I tried to pull the other part of the wire out, and yes, I did it at the cost of aching fingers.

Excitedly, I fit the wire into my pocket, and quietly let down the telephone back to the grasses outside the window. Then, I covered the phone with bits of mosses and plants, until it had finally camouflaged smoothly with all the trees and grass outside.

Now I would wait. Wait for night, when everyone was asleep, and I would crawl out of this house and finally escape.

I had been sitting and staring at the floor for a while now. At first it was for minutes. And then the minutes became hours. A servant came in concerned, and she had asked me to lie on my bed instead of sleeping in a sitting position. I had agreed, and I lay on the bed with eyes closed. But I never slept.

Each moment I was straining my ear for any sounds. At every half an' hour, a servant would come in to check that I was in my bedroom. But at last, the visits had started to stop, and so did the hustle and bustle of a noise the servants made had died down. It had to be night. I finally opened my eyes. The fresh dark sky had loomed over all the trees and plants.

This was it.

As quietly as I could, I took the wire from my pocket and started twisting it and turning it, silently picking the lock. At last the door had swung open. I crept across the empty hallway, and towards where light was streaming from. And finally I saw a door at the end of the dark hallway. And from its glass panes, I could see it all- freedom.

Swiftly, I picked the lock, opened the next door stealthily, and I ran out. I let my lungs drink in the fresh air of the night. Outdoors. It was such a sweet feeling, to be out in the open, and not chained like a prisoner to my bedroom.

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