Chapter 14

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Hey guys! I'm sorry for the late update. As you know, during the weekdays I'm busy with school, but almost every week on weekends, I fall sick. So yes, I am ill currently, but I thought I'll try to spare some time and write a new chapter. So here you go! Hope you like it! Oh yes, and please review :)


I opened the door as I felt the chilly morning winds brushed against my hair. It was still before dawn, for the sky was still dark and the shadows of the forest loomed over the ground. Not even a tiny slit of sunlight cut through the clouds- it was cold mists that floated about everywhere.

I just could not sleep. My head had ached so painfully and my eyes were drained from exhaustion, but hazy thoughts had my mind in a hurtful daze. Hours later when the sun was up, Raoul would come.

And the game would begin.

But I wished to enjoy this little bit of peace for a little longer though it may certainly be the wee hours of morning. You might say I woke up too early, but Eric was up first before me. When I had awoken, I could no longer feel his warmth and his breath tingling at my skin. Instead the covers were freezing cold, which meant Eric had been gone for a long time. When I asked the servants where he was, they merely answered with a shrug of shoulders or a "I don't know."

I gazed further in the sky. Though it was considered morning, the moon still hung high up in the sky, glowing along with the scattered stars. But soon they would fade away slowly as sunlight pierced through the clouds and dawn would arise. With that, I got up as I headed back to my room. Eric had been already gone busy with what next to happen. As for me, I needed a plan. Maybe what I needed to do first was fix my appearance.

As I gazed at the mirror, what I saw was a frightened girl derived from sleep, and her hair a mess from the night. Certainly these looks weren't acceptable.

I called in for Meg, and for hours I sat there tired as she twirled my locks carefully. My mind fumbled with thoughts achingly.

Erik had a plan, and I needed one too. When Raoul came, I would need to act strong about this. He would certainly come in a polite demeanor and strike a conversation with me. But this would be no casual talk- Any words said could sign you off to a deal without you knowing. I certainly could not express any weakness, and I knew Raoul would arrive and act as a gentleman despite the true, twisted and wicked self of him underneath.

Raoul would say something and converse on and on- until somehow he would trap me with my own words, and I have no way but to agree to his marriage proposal. I needed to be mentally strong and be absolutely careful- one wrong word and I would have everyone in the household including myself- signed to the hands of a psychopath.

I let out a distressed sigh as Meg combed my hair neatly to my sides. Too many thoughts were in my mind, and my head was throbbing so disturbingly. I winced as I closed my eyes for a second, before I reluctantly opened my eyes and gazed at the mirror. Meg had done a great job at the brown curls and I certainly looked more alive now. With that, I turned to thank her and dismissed her, before I drew open the curtains.

Morning sunlight had begun to pierce through the gray clouds, and soon the mists would disappear along with the darkness. The twinkling red glow of light appeared through the chilly morning, and the stars that I could see minutes ago had faded away from sight.

Raoul would be arriving in a few hours from now, and perhaps a small little plan had begun to form in my mind. Raoul is a dangerous and insane man. All my other options of survival had been closed just by the mention of his arrival. There could only be one solution to this… but the risk was extreme. Hundreds of people might die if I failed.

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