Chapter 12

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Time had flown quickly and that joyous event had soon passed to become but a recent memory. I laid back on the piano chair as I let my fingers hit a key. The note reverberated echoingly in the music room, and I moved my fingers readying for the next note to be played, followed by another, and soon I had created the sound of music with the piano. Eric who had sat across the music room had soon got up and made to my way.

"Good job with the notes, but still stiff and off beat. You've got to relax and just let the music go. As for the beat, I'll play the metronome for you." I felt Eric's hands on my shoulders, and instantly I blushed feverishly. I jerked forwards immediately away from his hands as I mumbled tensely, "I-I've got it."

He soon released my shoulders gently as he chuckled when he saw my blushed expression. I was not used to these caring actions of his, and I imagined of how bewildered he was when I had first hugged him. The way he had hugged me back was considerably clumsy and unlike the coolness of his.

I took a deep breath as Eric stepped back, and resumed playing the piano. This time, I closed my eyes as I let the melody flow. The notes flew simultaneously as I brought in my emotions to the song. Relax… Relax… The voice of Eric echoed in my mind. No sooner had I reached the violent part of the song. I portrayed visions of raging storms and pouring rainclouds in a gloomy weather in my mind. Then I thought of thunder clouds that roared ferociously as their thunder cracked across the sky.

And as the music slowed, my furrowed brows and the frown I had had soon relaxed into a peaceful expression, as I imagined the storms starting to stir slower, and soon reducing to a halt. The sun came up, and the brilliant light would soon illuminate the sky. I picked up the pace as cheerful and happy tones emerged from the angry notes that I had first played. Then I thought of dear spring as fresh as the sweet dew of morning, and I enjoyed every single bit of the melody as the notes joined and took flight. The song of spring trembled cheerfully as the music echoed across the room. The notes were high and quick at first, but gradually the speed had slowed down and I felt each note rang one by one as I imagined the summer winds dying down… and finally to the last note. I let my finger touch the key, and it resonated beautifully.

The song had ended. I opened my eyes and glanced at Eric earnestly for his approval. This was perhaps the first time I had played this well. He nodded at me.

"You can play like me now." He said. I grinned at his words, for praise from Eric was extremely scarce that it was probably the first few times I had heard him said it. The past few months of daily practice had been strenuous and tough, for Eric's temper was deadly and frightful at times, if not it was seething fury trembling from his voice. His standard of music was simply unimaginable- It was high above and beyond whatever expectations world class musicians had. And everyday, I had practiced for hours in the daylight, and even still when my fingers had ached. But I never gave up even from Eric's harsh teaching, for I knew it was already great kindness of his to let me on the piano.

I glanced at the clock. It was already evening, far past the supposed time my practice was to end. I got up of my seat as I strolled towards Eric.

"I guess I'd better leave now for Father… You know, before he complains, being bored and all that." I rolled my eyes imitating Father's little fit amusingly.

Eric chuckled as his amber eyes peered into mine. His gold eyes were just as brilliantly gorgeous, and just for that moment I had been lost in his sight. His hand reached for my waist as he pulled me towards him, and I felt his warmth enveloped me as he hugged me.

"Take care then." Slowly and clearly reluctantly he released his gentle grasp on my hand, and I took a step back as I got into a daze. My heart thudded wildly as I gradually moved away from him, and my mind raced chaotically. For a moment, I stood dumbfounded, staring into space. Then I picked up my thoughts as I hurriedly ran for the door.

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