Chapter 13

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"Prepare my luggage for tomorrow. I shall leave this house at midnight and I will never come back."

At least that was what I had last said to Meg. She had nodded immediately and I had went back for dinner. Now I was here in my bedroom, and it was night. In two hours after Eric had slept, I would slip out of this house and disappear off to somewhere else where no one could find me.

It had torn my heart just thinking of leaving this place. Eric had been a good husband, and I had loved him so much that thoughts of sadness and even thoughts of hope that he would stop me from fleeing invaded my mind. But I refused to show my true expression. My heart had ached so tremendously at the thought of leaving Eric. It felt like a sharp, burning blade that rugged through painful scars into my heart. But if I wanted to cry, I would have to do it later when I had ran away. This was a situation of depression- To leave from everything that had been good to me, that had rescued me.

But I had to protect them. Eric had done it once for me, and I would do it now for him. Raoul's arrival would kill them all. He would erase me from existence and then everything I held beloved- Eric, Father, Meg, Mdm Giry and the servants. For all's sake… Raoul was a cruel and evil man. He might be as rich as Eric, but Raoul's influence and power was one of almost indescribable. It was influence that could equal the President of the United States's power, being that Raoul was the son of a huge economic company that supported half the world's food supply.

While everyone in the world had not known about Raoul's true side, I was the few ones that knew. But the difference with me and the others was that I was a witness of that event. I was the only one that could testify against Raoul, tell the truth to the world and rip off all reputation and money he held. As so, he sought to kill me. And he would not only destroy me- everyone beloved to me would be gone in a blink of an eye.

It was late at night now, and I could feel Eric's warmth on the bed as he grasped my hand. I looked at his sleeping face. He looked so peaceful and happy that it simply tore me apart to leave him. Life was too cruel. I sniffled and swallowed a cry a bit, and slowly I peeled my hand away from his. I moved away from him a small inch at a time, so that he would not wake up. I held my breath as I put my full weight onto the mattress, afraid that the shifting weight would disturb him but luckily it did not. Indeed, he was sleeping soundly, and perhaps this was truly a miracle that Eric was heavily asleep.

Quickly I got up and dressed readily, but just before I headed out, I glanced back at Eric. Sweet Eric in his slumber. I could not blame his exhaustion, for it was me he had been busy with for the whole day of tutoring. I yearned to let my fingers brush through his soft hair, but I knew that would no longer be possible when I had left. I looked at him one last time. Then I opened the door softly and closed it gently so that there would hardly be a sound as I walked out of the bedroom.

I had thought that I was successful in leaving for a while now. But I had been wrong.

The moment the door had closed, glowing amber eyes shot through the darkness. Eyes that crackled anger and fury. Eric got up and began striding away in quick and quiet steps as he opened the door and exited out.

I whipped out my phone as I stood outside the mansion gates. The cab should be here by now. I warmed my arms as I shivered in the cold night breeze.

"Christine." I turned around to see Eric closing the distance between us rapidly. ERIC!? My mind twirled shock in the thought. Immediately I started to drag the luggage as I readied for a sprint, but a firm iron grip ascended on my shoulder, instantly restricting my movement. I fell to my knees as I felt his grip on my shoulder tighten.

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